World Wide Fund for Nature Evaluation Consultant for Establishing the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) United States WWF Jobs 2024
World Wide Fund for Nature looking for “Evaluation Consultant for Establishing the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)”. Applicants with an Advanced degree may apply on or before 24-Jul-24.
The World Wide Fund for Nature has published a job vacancy announcement on 09/07/2024 for qualified applicants to fill in the vacant post of Evaluation Consultant for Establishing the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) to be based in Washington DC , United States. For more jobs, please visit
Company Name: World Wide Fund for Nature
Job Title: Evaluation Consultant for Establishing the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)
Duty Station: Washington DC , United States
Country: United States
Application Deadline: 24-Jul-24
World Wildlife Fund, Inc. (WWF) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) require a terminal evaluation (TE) for all full and medium-sized projects. The following terms of reference (TOR) set out the expectations for the TE for the project “Establishing the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)”, hereafter referred to as the “Project”. The technical consultant(s) selected to conduct this evaluation will be referred to as “evaluator” throughout this TOR.
The Project seeks to support the establishment of a Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) to develop and disseminate a global framework for corporates and financial institutions to assess, manage and report on their dependencies and impacts on nature. The TNFD will address threats to the health and value of natural capital derived from the conduct of corporate activities that do not adequately consider the financial materiality and impacts of biodiversity loss. Initiatives such as TNFD will enable governments to better integrate knowledge of nature risk of those financial flows within their national policies and make the relevant strategic plans more effective in responding to emerging country priorities. A common, credible, and widely supported TNFD recommendations framework for reporting on nature-related risks and impacts can pave the way for companies and Financial Institutions (FIs) to better identify and address them in their supply chains and portfolios.
The Project was organized into the following components and outcomes:
Component 1: Build and catalyze the TNFD Network
Component 2: Build and test the TNFD Framework
Component 3: TNFD Framework consultation and dissemination of recommendations
Component 4: Knowledge management and M&E
For more information on the project please see:
Scope and Objectives of The Evaluation
WWF is seeking an independent consultant to undertake a Terminal Evaluation of the GEF-financed Project. The objectives of this evaluation are to examine the extent, magnitude and sustainability of any project impacts to date; identify concerns as well as best practices; assess progress towards project outcomes and outputs; assess implementation/execution monitoring and evaluation, stakeholder engagement, gender, knowledge management, etc.; and draw lessons learned that can both improve the sustainability of benefits from this project and aid in the enhancement of future related projects. The evaluator is expected to frame the evaluation effort using the seven (7) core criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, results/impact, sustainability and adaptive capacity. Particular emphasis will be placed on effectiveness, efficiency, results/impact and sustainability. See Annexes A – D for definitions of these criteria, additional assessment areas and ratings, and a sample report outline.
CEO Endorsement/Approval: 5/17/2021
Agency Approval Date : 3/25/2022
Implementation Start: 4/1/2022
Midterm Evaluation Completion Date: 12/19/2023
Review period: 5/17/21 – time of contract
Project Completion Date: 12/31/2024
Evaluation Approach and Method
The evaluation will adhere to the guidance, rules and procedures established by WWF[1] and the GEF Terminal Evaluation[2] and Ethical Guidelines.[3] The evaluation must provide evidence‐based information that is independent, participatory, transparent, and ethical. The evaluator must be unbiased and free of any conflicts of interest with the project. The evaluator is expected to reflect all stakeholder views and follow a participatory and consultative approach. There should be close engagement with WWF GEF Implementing Agency (IA), the Executing Agency/ project management unit (PMU), the TNFD Secretariat, Global Canopy, the World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) and project / government counterparts, the GEF operational focal point, partners and beneficiarieskey stakeholders. Contact information will be provided. The Evaluation process will include the following, with deliverables marked by “*”[4]:
Expected Content of Report
The Terminal Evaluation report should include:
[1] For additional information on evaluation methods adopted by WWF, see the WWF Evaluation Guidelines , published on our WWF Program Standards public website.
[2] For additional information on the GEF Terminal Evaluation Guidelines, see the GEF Terminal Evaluation Guidelines, published on the GEF Evaluation Office website.
[3] Please see the GEF Ethical Guidelines as published on GEF website.
[4] All deliverables should be sent directly to the Technical Director of the agreement who will determine whether the deliverable is satisfactory and ready for circulation.
Required Qualifications and Experience
Preferred Qualifications and Experience
Interested consultants are invited to submit a technical and financial proposal with their curriculum vitae, a relevant writing sample and three professional references that are approved to contact. Only complete proposals will be accepted. The financial proposal should include fee and reimbursable expenses, if applicable. The total budget shall not exceed USD $27,000. Individual, team or consulting firm proposals are welcome. Women and members of social minorities are encouraged to apply.
Interested consultants are requested to send their proposals to by August 30, 2024. All questions about the requirements or process should be submitted to this e-mail address by August 23, 2024. Responses to frequent and submitted questions will be available to all interested consultants in Annex E of the following link:
The technical proposal and qualifications/experience of the individual or team will account for 90% of the weighted score of the proposal. The technical score will be based on how the proposal reflects an understanding of the work and adherence to the TOR and quality of the proposal (readability, depth/breadth and suitability of the methodology), as well as the degree to which the candidate meets desired and required qualifications/experience mentioned in the terms of reference above. The financial elements of the proposal will account for 10% of the weighted score of the application.
Once all proposals have been scored by the review committee, a shortlist of proposals will be determined, and the candidates notified. Shortlisted candidates will have their references contacted, proposal reviewed by project stakeholders and will participate in an interview. Shortlisted candidates who are not selected will be provided with information on relative strengths and weaknesses of their proposal, but specific scores and the identity of other candidates will not be shared.
The selection process will be in compliance with WWF and GEF requirements. Any questions or concerns about non-compliance or irregularities in the process can be raised through WWF’s mechanism for reporting concerns available here:
To see the full terms of reference complete with annexes, please visit: