Security Sector Reform (SSR) Officer at United Nations



Concerned with the security, humanitarian, human rights and political crisis in the Central African Republic and its regional implications, the Security Council authorized in April 2014 the deployment of a multidimensional United Nations peacekeeping operation, MINUSCA, with the protection of civilians as its utmost priority. Its other initial tasks included support for the transition process; facilitating humanitarian assistance; promotion and protection of human rights; support for justice and the rule of law; and disarmament, demobilization, reintegration, and repatriation processes. The newly established mission subsumed the UN Integrated Peace building Office in the Central African Republic (BINUCA). MINUSCA current uniformed personnel levels stand at 11,650 military personnel and 2,080 police personnel, and are tasked with the strategic objective of creating the political, security and institutional conditions conducive to sustainably reducing the presence of — and threat posed by — armed groups. See

Within the delegated authority and under the supervision of Chief Operation & Coordination Unit or his/her designated mandated representative(s), the UN Volunteer SSR Officer :

• Assists in crafting essential elements of the endorsed SSR Programme, encompassing the overarching policy and legal framework, implementation strategy, operational modalities, and action plans, while considering national program priorities and targets.
• Participates in the development, implementation and evaluation of assigned projects, monitors and analyzes project development and implementation, reviews pertinent documents and reports, identifies problems and issues to be addressed and proposes corrective actions; liaises with relevant stakeholders, and identifies and tracks follow-up actions.
• Offers technical expertise to ongoing projects and provide technical guidance and assistance to key stakeholders (such as SSR unit management, established Commissions, or government officials). consults with relevant stakeholders through inclusive and participatory processes; and conduct continuous monitoring of project activities.
• Organizes or conducts research on various aspects of SSR work; analyzes and presents information gathered from diverse sources; identifies problems and issues to be assessed and proposes corrective actions.
• Assists in policy development, including the review and analysis of issues and trends, preparation of impact evaluation or equivalent studies, and so on.
• Undertakes survey initiatives; reviews, analyzes and interprets responses, identify problems/issues and prepare conclusions.
• Participates in field missions, providing guidance to government officials and other involved parties; drafts mission summaries, and so on.
• Initiates and coordinates outreach activities; contributes to conducting training workshops and seminars; makes presentations on assigned topics or activities.
• Contributes to coordinating activities related to budget and funding (including project preparation and submissions, progress reports, financial statements, and so on) and prepares related documents and reports (pledging, work, programme budget, and so on).
• Liaises closely with others relevant parties to ensure to ensure the effective integration and coordination of SSR activities.
• Prepares various written outputs, such as draft background papers, analysis, sections of reports and studies, inputs to publications, and similar materials.
• Provides substantive support to consultative and other meetings, conferences, etc., including proposing agenda topics, identifying participants, preparation of documents and presentations, and so on.

• When collaborating with (including supervising) national staff or (non-)governmental counterparts, the incumbent is strongly encouraged to allocate dedicated time for training, coaching, mentoring and capacity development.
• Performs other related duties as required by direct supervisor.

Results/expected outputs
• As an active SSR-service team member, efficient, timely, responsive, client-friendly and high-quality support rendered to MINUSCA/SSR and its beneficiaries in the accomplishment of her/his functions, including:
o Contributing to the strengthening of national capacities for the implementation of the new strategic documents (National Security Policy 2022/2027 & National SSR Strategy 2022/2027) following their approval during the DDRR/SSR/NR COSTRAT of 15 July 2022.
o Supporting the national authorities in the implementation of gender mainstreaming within the Defence and Security Forces
o Contributing to improved coordination and clear distribution of SSR tasks among international partners.
o Contributing to improving internal and external oversight mechanisms related to governance and the democratic control of the security sector, including the military justice system and inspectorates. Military Justice enforcement.
o Contributing to the development of mission strategy, policy and proposals with respect to support of national SSR efforts.
o Drafting substantive input to SSR Service, position papers and reports for presentation to relevant bodies.
o activities related to budget funding (programme/project preparation and submissions, progress reports, financial statements, etc.) and prepares related documents/reports (pledging, work programme, programme budget, etc.).
o Responding to requests and reporting requirement.
• Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD) perspective is systematically applied, integrated and documented in all activities throughout the assignment
• A final statement of achievements towards volunteerism for peace and development during the assignment, such as reporting on the number of volunteers mobilized, activities participated in, and capacities developed
Furthermore, UN Volunteers are encouraged to integrate the UN Volunteers programme mandate within their assignment and promote voluntary action through engagement with communities in the course of their work. As such, UN Volunteers should dedicate a part of their working time to some of the following suggested activities:
• Strengthen their knowledge and understanding of the concept of volunteerism by reading relevant UNV and external publications and take active part in UNV activities (for instance in events that mark International Volunteer Day);
• Be acquainted with and build on traditional and/or local forms of volunteerism in the host country.
• Provide annual and end of assignment self- reports on UN Volunteer actions, results and opportunities.
• Contribute articles/write-ups on field experiences and submit them for UNV publications/websites, newsletters, press releases, etc.
• Assist with the UNV Buddy Programme for newly arrived UN Volunteers.
• Promote or advise local groups in the use of online volunteering or encourage relevant local individuals and organizations to use the UNV Online Volunteering service whenever technically possible.

• Professionalism: demonstrated understanding of operations relevant to MINUSCA; technical capabilities or knowledge relevant or transferrable to MINUSCA procedures and rules; discretion, political sensitivity, diplomacy and tact to deal with clients; ability to apply good judgement; ability to liaise and coordinate with a range of different actors, especially in senior positions; where appropriate, high degree of autonomy, personal initiative and ability to take ownership; resourcefulness and willingness to accept wide responsibilities and ability to work independently under established procedures; ability to manage information objectively, accurately and confidentially; responsive and client-oriented;
• Integrity: demonstrate the values and ethical standards of the UN and MINUSCA in daily activities and behaviors while acting without consideration of personal gains; resist undue political pressure in decision-making; stand by decisions that are in the organization’s interest even if they are unpopular; take prompt action in cases of unprofessional or unethical behavior; does not abuse power or authority.
• Teamwork and respect for diversity: ability to operate effectively across organizational boundaries; excellent interpersonal skills; ability to establish and maintain effective partnerships and harmonious working relations in a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, mixed-gender environment with sensitivity and respect for diversity; sensitivity and adaptability to culture, gender, religion, nationality and age; commitment to implementing the goal of gender equality by ensuring the equal participation and full involvement of women and men in all aspects of UN operations; ability to achieve common goals and provide guidance or training to colleagues;
• Commitment to continuous learning: initiative and willingness to learn new skills and stay abreast of new developments in area of expertise; ability to adapt to changes in work environment.
• Planning and organizing effective organizational and problem-solving skills and ability to manage a large volume of work in an efficient and timely manner; ability to establish priorities and to plan, coordinate and monitor (own) work; ability to work under pressure, with conflicting deadlines, and to handle multiple concurrent projects/activities.
• Communication: proven interpersonal skills; good spoken and written communication skills, including ability to prepare clear and concise reports; ability to conduct presentations, articulate options and positions concisely; ability to make and defend recommendations; ability to communicate and empathize with staff (including national staff), military personnel, volunteers, counterparts and local interlocutors coming from very diverse backgrounds; capacity to transfer information and knowledge to a wide range of different target groups;
• Flexibility: adaptability and ability to live and work in potentially hazardous and remote conditions, involving physical hardship and little comfort; to operate independently in austere environments for protracted periods; willingness to travel within the area of operations and to transfer to other duty stations within the area of operations as necessary.
• Genuine commitment towards the principles of voluntary engagement, which includes solidarity, compassion, reciprocity and self-reliance; and commitment towards SSR Service’s mission and vision, as well as to the UN Core Values.


peacekeeping/peacebuilding or development work with specific focus on SSR, inter-agency coordination, political analysis, institutional development, or a related area, at the national and/or international level, or other relevant programmes; experience in policy coordination or project management is desirable.

Previous experience working in a conflict or post conflict setting is required.
Previous experience in SSR with professional experiences in advising, guiding, or mentoring defense or security forces is desirable. Previous experience in the UN common system is desirable.
Proven experience gained in a professional capacity in drafting high quality, analytical reports is desirable.
Experience with project management and sensitization of national partners is desirable.;

Other desired/mandatory required technical knowledge:
• Excellent oral and written skills in English and French; excellent drafting, formulation, reporting skills.
• Accuracy and professionalism in document production and editing.
• Excellent interpersonal skills; culturally and socially sensitive; adapt at working inclusively and collaboratively with a range of partners, including grassroots community members, religious and youth organizations, and authorities at different levels; familiarity with tools and approaches of communications for development.
• Ability to work and adapt professionally and effectively in a challenging environment; ability to work effectively in a multicultural team comprising international and national personnel, civilian and uniformed personnel;
• Solid overall computer literacy, including proficiency in various MS Office applications (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc.) and email/internet; familiarity with database management; and office technology equipment.
• Self-motivated, ability to work with minimum supervision; ability to work with tight deadlines.
• Desirable: valid national driver’s license and proven ability to drive manual gear 4×4 over rough terrain.
• Sound security awareness.
• Have affinity with or interest in security sector reform and governance and reporting, volunteerism as a mechanism for durable development, and the UN System.

The Central African Republic is a non-family duty station with a difficult security and working environment. Security instructions from the UN Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) need to be strictly complied with in all duty stations. The country security level is 4, restricting movement to official travel only. Currently a curfew applies from 10 pm to 5 am. The country is landlocked, with very limited travel possibilities, and surrounded by countries with volatile and security problems (Cameroon, Chad, DRC, Sudan, South Sudan). There is an unstable socio-political situation and social unrest and grievance, in particular in the capital city Bangui, with frequent civil servant strikes causing interruption of health, education and civil service, due to years of unpaid salaries. Power cuts are a norm, causing insecurity in the city. The population in Bangui, including the expatriates, is concerned about increasing crime as a direct result of the March 2013 coup by the SELEKA, a coalition of rebel groups, and events in December 2013 that carried the country into chaos. The country is entirely dependent on the Cameroon seaport, situated 1500 km away, causing regular shortage of basic domestic goods. Travel time for a truck from Douala in Cameroon to Bangui averages a week because of bad roads and roadblocks along the way. This situation puts tremendous stress on personnel. There are very limited medical infrastructures and services do not function properly. Living conditions are difficult due to the high cost of living and the scarcity of basic products and food. Supermarkets having a variety of food and consumer goods are available but are costly. Fresh vegetables and fruits are available in the market. There is no MINUSCA guesthouse in Bangui. Private accommodation possibilities are limited and getting a house that is compliant with UN security measures can take several weeks. UN personnel in Bangui live on the local economy by renting apartments and houses. In comparison to a few years ago, more accommodation is available now, but at high cost. Sharing accommodation is recommended. Currently all serving UN Volunteers have access to decent accommodation ensuring minimum standards of comfort. The average monthly cost for accommodation varies from around 1000 USD for a small apartment with basic furniture, but no power generator and interrupted running water supply, to 2,000+ USD with all commodities. A UN dispensary provides basic medical care for UN personnel and a UN hospital has been operational since August 2014. A Level II Hospital run by a military medical team exists as well. Only four airlines officially recognized by the UN System serve the country: Air France (twice a week), Royal Air Maroc (twice a week), Kenya Airways (three flights per week) and Asky (three flights per week). Flights are sometimes subject to cancellation when security situation volatility increases. A Rest & Recuperation (R&R) scheme has been re-established since August 2013 and maintained for all CAR duty stations at a 6-week frequency. The Central African Republic is a unique country and MINUSCA is a unique operation. It provides for an interesting and enriching environment, but also requires a mature level of cultural and security awareness, as well as more stamina and commitment than elsewhere to make life comfortable and affordable. Therefore, flexibility and the ability and willingness to live and work in harsh and potentially hazardous conditions, involving physical hardship and little comfort, are essential.
Central African Republic is a unique country and MINUSCA is a unique (humanitarian) operation. It provides for an interesting and enriching environment, but also requires a mature level of cultural awareness, as well as more stamina and commitment than elsewhere to make life comfortable and affordable.



United Nations Security Sector Reform (SSR) Officer Central African Republic UN Jobs 2024

United Nations looking for “Security Sector Reform (SSR) Officer”. Applicants with an Advanced degree may apply on or before 28-Jul-24.

The United Nations has published a job vacancy announcement on 12-Jul-24 for qualified applicants to fill in the vacant post of Security Sector Reform (SSR) Officer to be based in Bangui, Central African Republic. For more jobs, please visit

Company Name: United Nations

Job Title: Security Sector Reform (SSR) Officer

Duty Station: Bangui, Central African Republic


Country: Central African Republic

Application Deadline: 28-Jul-24

This job has expired.