Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Specialist at UNDP ( United Nations Development Programme)

  • Location:
  • Salary:
    negotiable / YEAR
  • Job type:
  • Posted:
    2 months ago
  • Category:
  • Deadline:




UNDP works in about 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty, and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities and build resilience in order to sustain development results.




Following almost two years of intense conflict, an Agreement for Lasting Peace through a Permanent Cessation of Hostilities was signed between the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (GoE) and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) in Pretoria on 2nd November 2022. The agreement paves the way for the restoration of peace, security, and stability in the Tigray Region and other conflict impacted areas of Afar and Amhara regions.

In February 2022, an assessment and planning process for rehabilitation, recovery and reconstruction (RRR) in conflict-impacted areas was launched under the technical coordination of the World Bank (WB) and leadership of the Ministry of Finance (MoF). As a result of this process, the Government has prepared a USD 20 billion Resilient Recovery and Reconstruction Framework (3RF) mostly addressing conflict impacts in Northern Ethiopia. The RC/HC tasked UNDP to prepare a two-year immediate and rapid peace support (stabilization) proposal worth USD 2.4 billion leading to the establishment of the Peace Support Facility. It is an offer endorsed by the Ethiopian Government to support peace processes in Ethiopia providing rapid and scalable peace dividends complementing the 3RF. The Facility is designed to support immediate recovery, risk and vulnerability reduction for communities, conflict prevention working along the HDP Nexus, and promoting pathways towards durable solutions to protracted displacement, and fostering lasting peace in Ethiopia.


The Facility’s strategic goal is to contribute to an irreversible peace process in Northern Ethiopia. it contributes to the Country’s Programme Document in three key areas:

  1. Federal, Regional, and subregional capacities are strengthened for reintegration, reconciliation, prevention, and peaceful management of conflicts. 
 2. Marginalized groups, particularly the poor, women, persons with disabilities and displaced are empowered to access entrepreneurship services and financial and non- 
     financial assets and services to build productive capacities and benefit from sustainable livelihoods and jobs.
 3. The complex, multi-dimensional challenge of consolidating peace and delivering a peace dividend can be addressed adequately only through a multi-dimensional 
     response moving from ‘saving lives’ to ‘sustaining life’, and restoring a sense of normalcy The situation in Northern Ethiopia, therefore, demands practical application of 
     the HDP nexus (and related concept of human security), with all three parts of this equation moving in tandem to stabilize conditions, save, protect, and improve lives, 
     ensure respect for human rights, and lay the groundwork for sustainable peace and development.  

The PSF is uniquely positioned to respond quickly and effectively to the needs in Northern Ethiopia. It offers a platform benefiting from the leadership and ownership of the Ethiopian Government and Regional Presidents. It has successfully supported the creation of the RROs that are critical for coordination, prioritization and accountable implementation of interventions.

Under the direct supervision of the Deputy Head of Peace Support the UN volunteer will be responsible for the following tasks

 •    Produce accurate, quality, and timely monthly, quarterly, and annual progress reports
 •    Track program progress, projects’ expenditure against approved budgets, anticipate any deviations and recommend and act on relevant and required adjustments. 
    Closely work with the finance team to ensure narrative reports are complete with financial 
 •    Keep reporting requirements, guidelines, and resources up to date and ensure they are 
    understood by all field staff and partners  
 •    Maintain and update the program database
 •    Provide support in developing and maintaining a functional knowledge management system
 •    Lead role in PSF monitoring, overseeing data collection, collation, storage, analysis using various systems. 
 •    Collect progress data against indicator targets (RF- project results) and adjust implementation processes to ensure the project is progressing towards the intended 
    outputs and outcomes. 
 •    Collect stakeholder feedback, evidence on contextual changes, and operational performance data against financial and efficiency targets/regularly monitor and update 
    on the status of risk register.
 •    Compare and analyze evidence against defined baselines, milestones, targets, and the theory of change, and identify factors related to progress. 
 •    Verify output progress and/or completion as per output verification template. Initiate and execute, in coordination with PDRM, output verification /field monitoring visits, 
    and provide written feedback to implementing partners and UNDP on findings and proposed actions.
 •    Initiate periodic review meetings, data collection, review/ analysis, storage, and reporting.
 •    Undertake action planning meeting with program teams to review data trends and overall project performance and maintain a tracker for key actions. 
 •    Ensure integration of gender indicators and data disaggregation by sex, age, and geographic area
 •    Monitoring to ensure that AWPs are effectively implemented, and progress reports submitted in a timely fashion. 
 •    Extract learnings, best practices and lessons learned and ensure outcomes and lessons learned are integrated into the project and shared with relevant stakeholders. 
 •    Provide training and mentoring to IP and PSF staff and partners to ensure the understanding and implementation of the M&E Plan and M&E system. 
 •    Provides technical expertise (TA) to PSF – provides hands on support with concrete ideas and recommendations for integrating M & E. This TA includes but is not 
    limited to building partners M&E capacity; developing terms of reference for hiring local staff or consultants in line with the M&E ; supporting the selection of qualified 
     local staff or consultants; providing quality control on consultant draft and final reports.
 •    Collaborates with other UNDP program specialists to develop knowledge products, subject guides, training materials and tools/solutions that are innovative and in line 
    with the PSP and the country office CPD.
 •    Builds capacity of PSF and IPs staff through leading learning opportunities to improve application of tools and processes and updates of evolutionary thinking around 
    Monitoring, Evaluation and reporting. 
 •    Supports resource mobilization and new proposals development, Program Development with the preparation of Logic Models, Theories of Change and RF, issue logs, 
    risk logs and environmental social screening for projects for new Concept Documents.
 •    Improves and streamlines PSF’s M&E data collection and reporting writing process using suitable system.
 •    Ensure the use of relevant evaluation findings, conclusions and recommendations are incorporated into programme formulation and program reporting.
 •    Ensure data collection and analysis from field visits are coordinated and standardized across regions.
 •    Monitor data from partners on a quarterly basis and inform decision makers. 

• Accountability
• Adaptability and flexibility
• Creativity
• Judgement and decision-making
• Knowledge sharing
• Planning and organising
• Professionalism
• Self-management
• Working in teams


Programme/Project Planning and Coordination, Monitoring, Evaluation, reporting and management of multi-donor and multi-sector recovery and development programmes/projects in post-conflict settings at national and/or international levels is required for advanced university degree holders.

 •    Experience in the field of post-conflict coordination and proven analytical capacity, especially for issues relating to local development. 
 •    Familiarity with programmatic issues related to local governance, peacebuilding needs, conflict assessment, stabilization, social cohesion, and relief to recovery. 
    transition processes.
 •    Good knowledge of institutional mandates, policies and guidelines related to peacebuilding, reconstruction, and development, and a good knowledge of the United 
   Nations System and the multi/bilateral cooperation.
 •    Excellent oral and written skills; excellent drafting, formulation, reporting skills;
 •    Accuracy and professionalism in document production and editing;
 •    Excellent interpersonal skills; culturally and socially sensitive; ability to work inclusively and collaboratively with a range of partners, including grassroots community.
    members, religious and youth organizations, and authorities at different levels; familiarity with tools and approaches of communications for development;
 •    Ability to work and adapt professionally and effectively in a challenging environment; ability to work effectively in a multicultural team of international and national. 
 •    Solid overall computer literacy, including proficiency in database management, various MS Office applications (Excel, Word, etc.) and email/internet; familiarity with and office technology equipment;
 •    Self-motivated, ability to work with minimum supervision; ability to work with tight deadlines;
 •    Sound security awareness.
 •    Have affinity with or interest in stabilization, development and peace building, volunteerism as a mechanism for durable development, and the UN System.
 •    Experience working with UNDP and UN system policies and programming would be an added advantage.
 •    Extensive knowledge and experience in Results Based Management, including Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting.
•    Prior experience with multiple-donor-funded projects would be an added advantage.

Addis Ababa is the capital of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. The population is estimated at about 4 million or so. The climate is sunny and temperate, but it can be very cold at night, with freezing temperature at times. It is therefore advisable to bring warm clothing and foresee using heaters and/or log fires when necessary. Addis Ababa is the headquarters for the UN Economic Commission for Africa as well as the African Union (ex-OAU). Thus, there is a very large community of expatriates from all over the world. There are some 80 embassies/diplomatic missions. Housing is most of the time readily available and the rents are, on average, reasonable. Most foodstuffs, beverages, household goods, furniture and clothing, mostly imported from the Middle/Far East, South Africa and Europe, or local brands, can be found, although they can be expensive. Meat, fish, fresh fruits and vegetables are cheap and abundantly available. As this is a national UN Volunteer assignment, the UN Volunteer will be responsible for arranging his/her own housing, other living essentials and will already be fully conversant with the living conditions in Ethiopia.

Link to the entitlement calculator:

How to Apply
Step 1: Please re-read this job description from the beginning to the end.
Step 2: Click the APPLY FOR JOB button at the end of this job advert.
Step 3: After going to parent website, please read instructions carefully and ensure you apply as soon as possible.

Good luck!



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