Purpose of Activity/Assignment:
The primary purpose of this summative evaluation is to assist the Government of Oman in assessing the CFE initiative in the Sultanate, to evaluate the CFE in the Sultanate after years of implementation to identify areas that need improvement and provide actionable recommendations to support decision-making in developing relevant policies and programmes.
The primary user of this evaluation is the government, particularly the MoE and its directorates across the 11 governorates. Secondary users include the Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Health and the Vision 2040 Follow-up Unit.
The evaluation objective aims to ascertain the effectiveness and sustainability of the child-friendly inclusive approach in enhancing children’s learning, development, and wellbeing. Additionally, it aims to evaluate the program’s effectiveness and document the lessons learnt that can be disseminated to other GCC countries, as well as at regional and global levels.
2.1. Evaluation Scope:
Timeline: The evaluation will focus on the CFE initiative in Oman from 2012 to 2023. It is expected to be conducted between August and December 2024.
Participation: The evaluation will seek responses to the evaluation questions from the Omani government and relevant stakeholders including educators, parents and caregivers and communities.
Location: The assignment can be done remotely with the possibility of travel to Oman for data collection.
Language: All deliverables must be provided in English and Arabic.
The evaluation aims to follow a selected OECD DAC evaluation criterion, focusing on relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability. The impact criteria were excluded as the current initiative is relatively new, making it difficult to assess its impact at this time. It will also address cross-cutting issues, including children with disabilities.
The evaluation aims to answer key questions, which will be further refined by the consultant with an approval from the steering committee during the inception phase.
The consultant will develop sub-questions, indicators, and data collection methods as part of the evaluation matrix.
Specific Evaluation Questions are formulated below as sub-questions:
Cross-cutting Issues
Documentation of lessons learnt
Key stakeholders in the CFE intervention in the Sultanate include the Ministry of Education, which initiated and managed the programme. Other crucial government stakeholders involved in ensuring sustainability and alignment with national child-related policies and programs are:
Secondary stakeholders are:
Oman, like in many countries, conducting evaluations can be challenging due to various limitations that can impact the scope, quality, and applicability of the results.
One such limitation is the collection of quantitative data, typically done through the National Center for Statistics and Information (NCSI) as required by law. This process can be time-consuming, costly, and subject to delays due to the Center’s current workload. As a result, the consultant will rely on secondary quantitative data collection in collaboration with the Ministry of Education (MoE) to access available data. This limitation underscores the importance of establishing a robust framework that ensures the availability of relevant data, fosters collaboration among researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders, and promotes a culture of continuous improvement and accountability.
Another limitation is the evaluation budget, as UNICEF Oman has allocated a limited budget for this assignment due to the office’s budget constraints. This may restrict the number of evaluation questions that can be addressed, so the focus will mainly be on effectiveness and sustainability questions that align with the evaluation’s objective.
Overcoming these limitations with alternative solutions is crucial for improving the efficiency, effectiveness, oversight, and stakeholder engagement in evaluations, ultimately contributing to the development of a culture of evaluation in Oman and the wider Gulf Council Countries.
The evaluation report to be produced must be compliant with the UNICEF Evaluation report standards And must also be written in a style that is compliant with the UNICEF-Adapted UNEG Evaluation Reports Standards https://www.unicef.org/evaluation/media/816/file/UNICEF-Adapted-UNEG-Evaluation-Report-Standards.pdf and the GEROS Quality Assessment System https://www.unicef.org/evaluation/global-evaluation-reports-oversight-system-geros.
The inception report, data collection tools and consent forms will go through an independent ethical review. Data collection will only proceed after ethical approval is granted.
The consultant must obtain verbal consent from participants before conducting any FGDs or KIIs. The inception report, data collection tools, and consent forms will undergo an independent ethical review before the evaluation enters the fieldwork stage. All data collected and confidential information shared during the evaluation must be securely stored in a password-protected system by the evaluation consultant.
The evaluation consultant will present preliminary findings and recommendations to relevant stakeholders as part of quality assurance processes and validation. Stakeholders will have the opportunity to reflect on the preliminary findings to enhance their relevance to the CFE programme.
Following the finalization of the report, a dedicated dissemination workshop will be conducted to discuss the findings of the final report.
Primary stakeholders will be actively involved in all stages of the evaluation, including planning and design.
The consultant is required to produce the following deliverables:
3.1. The Inception Report.
3.2. Presentation of preliminary findings and recommendations.
3.3. Draft evaluation report.
3.4. Final evaluation report.
3.5. Final evaluation presentation
Following is the proposed structure for the inception and evaluation report:
–Response to the Evaluation ToR.
–Evaluation matrix.
–Methodology included a detailed workplan with timeframe.
–Potential limitations of the evaluation according to data availability and reliability.
-The report shall be structured as per the UNICEF-Adapted UNEG Evaluation Reports Standards:
-Executive summary.
-Evaluation purpose, objectives, and scope.
-Evaluation methodology.
-Conclusions and lessons learned.