Education Cluster Coordinator – Bahir Dar

  • Location:
  • Salary:
    negotiable / YEAR
  • Job type:
  • Posted:
    2 months ago
  • Category:
  • Deadline:




Save the Children (SCI) and UNICEF share global responsibility for the coordination of Education in Emergencies as part of the UN humanitarian reform ( and the Cluster system

The overall aim of the Education Cluster in Ethiopia is to support the coordination of a timely, coherent and effective education preparedness, plan and response by mobilizing and coordinating stakeholders to respond in a strategic manner to existing and potential emergencies. The education cluster is accountable to the Humanitarian Country Team and Humanitarian Coordinators through the lead agencies (Save the Children and UNICEF) to fulfil this aim. The Education Cluster is essentially a voluntary group of organizations working in the humanitarian response, membership is voluntary but those who are members are expected to support with achieving our functions (below) including monthly reporting and other tasks

The Education Cluster is led by a National Cluster Unit team based in Addis Ababa and Chaired by the Federal MoE and co-led by UNICEF and Save the Children, working closely with regional clusters in 11 regions. Regional clusters are chaired by Regional Education Bureaus with co-leadership assumed by UNICEF, Save the Children, or both.

Existing subnational cluster coordinators/focal points are in Oromia, Southern Ethiopia, Southwest Ethiopia, Sidama, Somali, Gambella, Benishangul Gumuz, Amhara, Afar, and Tigray, and facilitate communication and two-ways information-sharing with them.

The Amhara regional cluster co-coordinator is expected to work closely with the REB and UNICEF to coordinate humanitarian actors in education to do the following:

Coordinating service delivery:

  • Ensure progress against the targets outlined in the annual humanitarian response plan
  • Co-lead/ lead bi-weekly/ monthly cluster coordination meetings with humanitarian partners working in Amhara region
  • Support convening of zonal/woreda level meetings with partners on as need basis, led by Zonal Education Office and Worda Education Office
  • Attend all Regional ICCG/ OCHA meetings as expected from all Cluster Coordinators


  • Attend all Regional/Amhara Disaster Risk Management Commission meetings as expected from Cluster Coordinators
  • Attend bi-annual meetings with all Clusters units conducted at national level
  • Collaborate with the Amhara Refugee Education Working Group, led by RRS and UNHCR for stronger harmonization between emergency education responses – if functional
  • Attending relevant regional cluster meetings for strong inter-cluster engagement (Child Protection AoR, WaSh Cluster, Health Cluster etc)

Assessment and Monitoring/ Humanitarian Planning

  • Proactively engage national cluster with reporting updating needs and situational analysis of the region
  • Conduct field visits across Amhara region, if security permits, to
    • Monitor education cluster interventions (of all cluster partners)
    • Conduct meetings at lower administrative level with authorities (ZEO, WEO)
    • Conduct assessments of needs for reporting to the national cluster
  • Work closely with the National Cluster Information Management Specialist and Amhara Information Management Officer (position hosted by the Regional Education Burea and UNICEF) to ensure monitoring as well as other information related tasks:
    • Ensure timely, quality reporting of interventions of partners in Amhara region
    • Conducting of rapid / joint needs assessments
    • Ensure education participation in any multi sector needs assessments including (MIRA, MSNA)
    • Regularly sharing updated regional cluster contact list
    • Supporting with people in need (PIN), target calculations prepared annually for the humanitarian response plan (HRP) – a process led by the National Education Cluster Information Management Specialist(s) based in Addis Ababa
    • Participate in the annual core coordination performance monitoring (evaluation) upon request
  • Advocacy and resource mobilization
    • Conduct bi-lateral meetings with donors upon request visiting the Amhara region
    • Coordination/ planning of donor/key stakeholder visits as needed with the support of the national cluster units team including Save the Children FO and CO
    • Provide data upon request to the National Cluster for advocacy and resource mobilization purposes





The below are the overall functions of the National Cluster, the job holder is expected to support the National Cluster with achieving this by engaging at the sub-national level.

Support service delivery by

  • Being/providing an impartial and neutral resource and platform for Education in Emergencies that ensures service delivery is driven by the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) and Education Cluster strategic priorities with a strong emphasis on localization, AAP, humanitarian and development nexus/continuum and identification of durable solutions.


  • Developing and maintaining mechanisms to eliminate duplication of service delivery and identify gaps and resources/partners to address them. (demonstrated by the maintained ‘Education Cluster Monitoring Tool’ database).

Inform the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC)/Humanitarian Country Team (HCT)’s strategic decision-making through the SCI Country Director who is HCT member, by

  • Preparing needs assessments (review of secondary data, as relevant) and analysis of gaps
  • Identifying and finding solutions for (emerging) gaps, obstacles, duplication and cross-cutting issues.
  • Formulating priorities on the basis of analysis.

Plan and develop strategy by

  • Developing and updating strategic documents for the sector, including: Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO), Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), Education Cluster Strategy and Annual Workplan that address cross cutting issues (gender, localization, AAP, disability, protection, etc.) and Humanitarian-Development nexus/continuum.
  • In collaboration with Child Protection and WASH Cluster, developing, applying and adhering to common standards and guidelines.
  • Clarifying funding requirements, helping to set priorities, and agreeing cluster contributions to the HC’s overall humanitarian funding proposals.

Monitor and evaluate performance by

  • Monitoring and reporting on activities and needs (quantitative and qualitative approach), including but not limited to the consolidation and analysis of the Education Cluster Monitoring Tool.
  • Measuring performance against the EiE Cluster strategy and agreed results and recommending corrective action where necessary.

Contribute to Localization and Capacity Building:

  • Identify institutional capacity needs and gaps of local and national cluster member organizations, and facilitate addressing these gaps.
  • Increase the voices of local and national members by facilitating their membership to cluster and Strategic Advisory Group


  • Identify technical capacity building opportunities for country Cluster staff, government counterparts and National NGOs in order to guarantee on-going sustainability and quality of the response.

Advocacy and Resource Mobilization

  • Identifying concerns that contribute to HC and HCT messaging and action.
  • Undertaking advocacy on behalf of the Education Cluster membership, and affected people, to ensure education is included in humanitarian appeals
  • Manage relations with donors and provide information on funding requirements and operational capacity of members
  • Maintain close engagement with the Ministry of Education

Accountability to Affected Populations and Child Participation

  • Introducing/mainstreaming existing mechanisms by which to obtain feedback from communities, ensuring this includes represents the full spectrum of stakeholders (including women, children and people with disabilities) on the effectiveness and efficiency of the education sector humanitarian response.

Child Safeguarding

  • Ensure that Cluster mainstreams Child Safeguarding principles, and cluster members’ awareness and capacities on CSG are strengthened through planned activities.


  • Comply with Save the Children policies and practice with respect to child protection, code of conduct, health and safety, equal opportunities and other relevant policies and procedures.
  • Display neutrality and act as representative of all education cluster members.
  • Develop and maintain a strong and positive relationship with key counterparts at the relevant line ministry/department and UNICEF


  1. Leading and Inspiring Others

Demonstrates leadership in all our work, embodies our values, and articulates a compelling vision to inspire others to achieve our goals for children.

Desired level: Accomplished


  1. Problem Solving and Decision Making

Takes effective, considered and timely decisions by gathering and evaluating relevant information from within or outside the organisation.

Desired level: Leading Edge

  1. Communicating with Impact

Communicates clearly and confidently with others to engage and influence; promotes dialogue and ensures timely and appropriate messages, building confidence and trust with others.

Desired level: Leading Edge

  1. Working Effectively with Others

Works collaboratively to achieve shared goals and thrives on diversity of people and perspectives. Knows when to lead and when to follow and how to ensure effective cross-boundary working.

Desired level: Leading Edge





  • Prior experience in cluster coordination, management of education in emergencies programmes
  • Excellent communication skills, including ability to work with diverse groups
  • Politically and culturally sensitive with qualities of patience, tact and diplomacy
  • Previous first phase emergency response experience is essential


  • Qualification in MSc/MA/MEng level in Education (or a related field) or equivalent field experience in EiE Demonstrable ability to work and represent views across different stakeholders taking part in the Education Cluster
  • Understanding of opportunities to provide integrated or cross-cutting humanitarian interventions with other sectors and Clusters, especially Child Protection and WASH
  • Experience of applying relevant interagency humanitarian frameworks and standards in education in emergencies (for example INEE Minimum Standards)
  • The capacity and willingness to be flexible and accommodating in difficult and sometimes insecure working circumstances.

***Female candidates strongly encouraged to apply ***


  • Strong information management skills
  • Strong influencing skills and experience in advocacy
This job has expired.