• Location:
  • Salary:
    $140,209 - $171,843 / YEAR
  • Job type:
  • Posted:
    2 months ago
  • Category:
    Management and Strategy
  • Deadline:


Within delegated authority, the Senior Development Coordination Officer, Head of RCO/Strategic Planner will be responsible of the following duties: Summary of Functions: 1. Leads the provision of substantive support to the RC and UN Country Team (UNCT) on effective, quality, and timely UN support for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda through the Common Country Analysis (CCA) and UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF). 2. Facilitates and oversees the initiation, establishment and coordination of external partnerships and joint resource mobilization efforts for the new generation UNSDCF. 3. Coordinates and supports roll-out and implementation of the efficiency agenda (Business Operations Strategy, Common Premises and Local Shared Service Centers/Common Back-Office). 4. Manages and directs knowledge management and capacity development activities in and outside the UN System. 5. Leads and coordinates overall management of the RCO to ensure efficient and effective substantive coordination support to the RC/UNCT and adherence to organizational policies and procedures Description of Functions: 1. Leads the provision of substantive support to the RC and UNCT of effective, quality, and timely UN support for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda through a new generation CCA/UNSDCF: • Leads and coordinates substantive analysis and support to the RC/UNCT in articulating and actively communicating a credible and convincing strategic vision for the UN, articulated through the UNSDCF, which is consistent with national development goals and priorities, UN values, aligned with the 2030 Agenda and the AU Agenda 2063 committed to the principles of universality, equality and leaving no one behind; • In line with CCA/UNSDCF, provides strategic advice and develops recommendations to facilitate decision-making by the RC/UNCT to reposition the UN in country to advance the objectives of UN development system reform;
• Develops policy recommendations to the RC/UNCT on the development, implementation, monitoring, reporting and evaluation of the new generation CCA/UNSDCF as the primary instrument for the planning and implementation of UN development activities in country; • Ensures effective guidance to the RC/UNCT in asserting vision and accountability for the UN to operate as a nimble, innovative, and enterprising development partner, demonstrating characteristics of a knowledge-based organization and thought leader; • Leads the strategic design of UN’s policy and programmatic services, operational capabilities, and partnership mechanisms; • Establishes and promotes close engagement across the humanitarian, development, and peace domains, and with the private sector and financial institutions as may be required by the country context; • Leads the identification, analysis, and prioritization of joint programmatic work of UN entities in response to national priorities and in line with the UNSDCF and the 2030 Agenda and AU 2063 Agenda; • Leads the coordination of the UNSDCF through the Joint Workplan and working very closely with the results groups; overseas UNSDCF monitoring, evaluation, learning (MEL) and reporting through the UNINFO platform; and guides preparation and provision of the annual UN Country Results Report to the Government and other stakeholders; • Promotes the engagement of all relevant agencies – with and without physical presence in the country – from across the UN system, including at Headquarters and at the (sub-)regional level in inter-agency for a, UNCT meetings and in discussions with external partners; • Ensures quality control and oversight over strategic communications and advocacy activities related the implementation of the UNSCDF; • Ensures coherence across the different intra-agency coordination bodies, including with Humanitarian Country Teams and the Security Management Team. 2. Facilitates and oversees the initiation, establishment and coordination of external partnerships and joint resource mobilization efforts for the new generation UNSDCF: • Facilitates and oversees the initiation, establishment, and coordination of effective working relationships with national and international public and private partners to deepen their engagement with and participation in the UNSDCF implementation and to ensure knowledge sharing throughout the UNSDCF cycle. • Directs substantive support for positioning the UN as a key provider of integrated services and as a platform in support of the SDGs, in consultation with a broad range of stakeholders;
• Based on the UNSDCF, and in close collaboration with the Development Partnerships Officer, oversees the formulation and implementation of the partnership approach as well as the resource mobilization strategy, and other initiatives in support of SDG and national development plans achievement through the UNSDCF; • Oversees the implementation of the SDG Country Fund/country-level pooled fund (where relevant) in support of the UNSDCF and SDG acceleration; • Oversees strategic messaging and communication initiatives by RC/UNCT. 3. Coordinates and supports roll-out and implementation of the Efficiency agenda (Business Operations Strategy, Common Premises and Local Shared Service Centers/Common Back Office): • In collaboration with the Operations Management Team (OMT), directs substantive support to the RC/UNCT on business innovations for the UN in country; • Provides substantive support to the RC/UNCT in formulating, implementing, and monitoring the UN country level Business Operations Strategy; • Supports the RC and the UNCT in their leading role in implementing common premises, and in establishing a common back office for location-dependent services; • Promotes a culture of continuous improvement and client-orientation in operational service delivery, including the implementation of high impact standardized common services, fostering the SDG impact through common operations;
• Coordinates effective participation of entities at the country level in operations management team and represents the RC in the OMT. 4. Manages and directs knowledge management and capacity development activities in- and outside the UN System: • Creates an enabling environment for the knowledge generation, sharing, collaboration, as well as usage of existing good practices and lessons learnt within the RCO and in the UN Country Team. Leads by example. • Coordinates the effective communications within the RCO, in UN Country Team and among other stakeholders; • Leads and coordinates the sharing of good practices and lessons learned on issues related to UN strategic planning frameworks, methodologies, and tools, among others, within the DCO (at regional and global levels), across the UN system and with external partners; • Oversees the analysis of UN experiences, lessons learned and knowledge networking to contribute to strategic planning processes. • Keeps abreast of emerging innovative approaches and encourages the RCO and UNCT to apply new ways of working, where relevant. 5. Leads and coordinates overall management of the RCO to ensure efficient and effective substantive coordination support to the RC/UNCT and adherence to organizational policies and procedures: • Coordinates the formulation and implementation of the substantive work programme of the RCO; allocates and monitors RCO resources for delivery of outputs and reporting on results; • Supervises the activities undertaken by the RCO and manage performance of RCO staff, ensuring that programmed activities are carried out in a timely fashion; • In close collaboration with Service Providers, performs the role of certifying officer in the UNDP IRIS platform and performs the UMOJA approver role over processes related to human and financial resource management, procurement, general administration, security, time management, and information technology for the RCO;
• Manages, guides and trains staff under his/her supervision; promotes teamwork and communications among staff in the RCO and across organizational boundaries; ensures staff complete mandatory trainings and UMOJA certifications; • Establishes and maintains a work environment in the RC Office and across UN entities that is conducive to innovation and engagement with a diverse set of stakeholders and delivers results in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and AU 2063 Agenda.
Professionnalisme : Connaissance et compréhension avérées des théories, concepts et approches relatifs au développement durable. Capacité à identifier les principaux enjeux stratégiques, opportunités et risques. Capacité à générer et à communiquer une orientation organisationnelle large et convaincante. Capacité à communiquer clairement les liens entre la stratégie de l’Organisation et les objectifs de l’unité de travail. Capacité démontrée à fournir un leadership technique innovant en effectuant et/ou en supervisant la planification, le développement et la gestion des opérations. Capacité démontrée à négocier et à faire preuve de bon jugement. Capacité démontrée à analyser des données complexes et à produire des rapports conduisant à des recommandations politiques judicieuses pour parvenir au développement durable ; Solide compréhension de l’environnement politique et des programmes et activités du système des Nations Unies dans la mise en œuvre des objectifs de développement durable ; Capacité à penser de manière stratégique, à identifier les principaux enjeux émergents du développement durable et les implications politiques connexes. Fier de son travail et de ses réalisations ; fait preuve de compétence professionnelle et de maîtrise du sujet ; est consciencieux et efficace pour respecter ses engagements, respecter les délais et obtenir des résultats ; est motivé par des préoccupations professionnelles plutôt que personnelles ; fait preuve de persévérance face à des problèmes ou des défis difficiles ; reste calme dans des situations stressantes. Orientation client : Considère tous ceux à qui des services sont fournis comme des « clients » et cherche à voir les choses du point de vue des clients ; établit et entretient des partenariats productifs avec les clients en gagnant leur confiance et leur respect ; identifie les besoins des clients et les associe à des solutions appropriées ; surveille les développements en cours à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur de l’environnement des clients pour se tenir informé et anticiper les problèmes ; tient les clients informés des progrès ou des contretemps des projets ; respecte les délais de livraison des produits ou des services au client.
Veille technologique : Se tient au courant des technologies disponibles ; comprend l’applicabilité et les limites de la technologie au travail du bureau ; cherche activement à appliquer la technologie aux tâches appropriées ; montre la volonté d’apprendre de nouvelles technologies. Leadership : Sert de modèle que les autres veulent suivre : permet aux autres de traduire la vision en résultats ; est proactif dans l’élaboration de stratégies pour atteindre les objectifs ; établit et entretient des relations avec un large éventail de personnes pour comprendre les besoins et obtenir du soutien ; anticipe et résout les conflits en recherchant des solutions mutuellement acceptables ; encourage le changement et les améliorations ; n’accepte pas le statu quo ; fait preuve de courage pour prendre des positions impopulaires. Fait preuve de leadership et assume la responsabilité d’intégrer les perspectives de genre et d’assurer la participation égale des femmes et des hommes dans tous les domaines de travail ; démontre une connaissance des stratégies et un engagement envers l’objectif de l’équilibre entre les sexes dans la dotation en personnel. Jugement/prise de décision : identifie les problèmes clés dans les situations complexes et va rapidement au cœur du problème ; rassemble les informations pertinentes avant de prendre une décision ; évalue les impacts positifs et négatifs des décisions avant de les prendre ; prend des décisions en tenant compte de l’impact sur les autres et sur l’Organisation ; propose un plan d’action ou fait une recommandation sur la base de toutes les informations disponibles ; vérifie les hypothèses par rapport aux faits ; détermine que les mesures proposées répondront aux besoins exprimés et sous-jacents de la décision ; prend des décisions difficiles lorsque cela est nécessaire.
Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent degree) in business or public administration, sustainable development, social sciences, education, or related area. A first-level university degree in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.
Work Experience
A minimum of ten (10) years of progressively responsible experience in strategic planning, sustainable development policy and programme development and management in the context of development cooperation or related area is required. Experience with multi-stakeholder coordination on the context of development cooperation or related area is required. Experience in team leadership and management is required. Experience in UN interagency coordination is desired. Experience in designing and implementing partnership and resources mobilization strategies is desired. Experience in promoting knowledge management in the context of development cooperation is desired.
English and French are the working languages of the UN Secretariat. For the post advertised, fluency in oral and written English and French is required; knowledge of another UN official language is an advantage. Note: “Fluency equals a rating of “fluent” in all four areas (read, write, speak, understand) and “Knowledge of’ equals a rating of “confident in two of the four areas.
This job has expired.