Land Use, Land-use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) Expert

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  • Salary:
    negotiable / YEAR
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  • Posted:
    6 hours ago
  • Category:
    Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources, Fisheries and Forestry
  • Deadline:


Result of Service
The LULUCF Expert will be responsible for supporting the Brazilian Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMin the elaboration of the Land Use, Landuse Change and Forestry (LULUCsector mitigation plan for the Plano Clima, with an integrated comitigation of GHGs and ShortLived Climate Pollutants (SLCPapproach. The work will be conducted under the coordination of the Plano Clima Senior Technical Coordinator, following general guidance from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change as well as UNEPCCC, and specific guidance from the respective focal point of the Ministry leading the Sectoral Plan. As a result of the elaboration of the Brazilian National Climate Plan, it is expected that the proposed sectoral plan provides a clear set of actions in the Land Use, Landuse Change and Forestry (LULUCsector to be implemented by the government for aligning the Brazilian economy towards a trajectory consistent with the targets defined. The sectoral plan should be integrated to a robust implementation strategy and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&framework.
Work Location
Brasilia, homebased
Expected duration
4 months
Duties and Responsibilities
In recognition of the seriousness of the climate emergency, the government of Brazil is now committed to structuring a renewed and ambitious Nationally Determined Contribution (ND. In comparison to the proposition presented at COP 21, Brazil aims to achieve a 48% reduction in greenhouse gas (GHemissions by 2025 and 53% GHG emissions reduction by In September 2023, the Brazilian government restructured the Interministerial Committee on Climate Change – CIM, which will be an important locus for management, coordination, and articulation regarding the national climate policy. In addition to determining the correction of the Brazilian NDC to the levels of ambition that Brazil had initially proposed in 2015, the Committee established interministerial working groups to the Brazilian carbon market (SBCand to update the law that established the National Policy on Climate Change – PNMC. The CIM also established a Resolution that mandates updating the National Plan on Climate Change – Plano Clima, establishing two interministerial working groups to coordinate the work, one on mitigation and the other on adaptation. Plano Clima will be the main instrument for implementing climate policy, thus consolidating the strategies and goals of the Federal Government to achieve the objectives of the PNMC and the goals of the Brazilian NDC. The new Climate Plan will cover the period between 2024 and 2035 and will have national and sectoral mitigation and adaptation targets for the years 2030 and 2035, simultaneously compatible with the objective of climate neutrality. The Climate Plan (2024 – 2035) will include national mitigation and adaptation strategies as well as a crosscutting strategy for climate action. On the mitigation side, a major component of the national mitigation strategy under development consists of seven sectoral mitigation plans. These plans cover agriculture and livestock, land use and forests, energy (including electricity and fuel, industry, waste, cities (including urban mobilit, and transport, and will be complemented by relevant aspects in the crosscutting strategy. The mitigation component is expected to be developed with the support of the United Nations Environment Programme Copenhagen Climate Centre (UNEPCC, with funding from the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICA. UNEPCCC is therefore seeking an Expert for supporting the elaboration of the Land Use, Landuse Change and Forestry (LULUCSectoral Mitigation Plan for the Plano Clima. Objectives: The consultant will support the delivery of the mitigation component of the Brazil Plano Clima and be responsible for the preparation of the sectoral mitigation plan for Land Use, Landuse Change and Forestry (LULUC. This will involve ensuring alignment with the National Mitigation Strategy and the climate ambitious goals of the government, as well as including SLCP reduction considerations with special focus on methane. ActivitiesWork closely with designated sectoral focal points in government to qualitatively and quantitatively outline the mitigation actions for the LULUCF sector, based on modeling results (conducted by COPPE/UFRand the respective sectoral carbon budget.Work closely with the Plano Clima sectoral focal points in government to define actions, programs, and specific measures for achieving the sectoral goals.Work in collaboration with the Financial Analysis Expert and M&E Expert consultants (to be hireto integrate the proposed actions into a feasible and transparent framework.Participate in and support the Senior Technical Coordinator with content development for sectoral workshops to gather input from LULUCF sector players in the private sector and civil society.Support technical sectoral discussions by preparing sciencebased recommendations and presentations on relevant topics related to sectoral mitigation levers and their implications for MMA and governmental sector focal points.Support the Senior Technical Coordinator in in the consultation process of the LULUCF sectoral plan content with relevant experts and stakeholders.In coordination with the Senior Technical Coordinator, prepare draft versions of the LULUCF sectoral plan based on the sector’s plan templates and incorporate feedback from MMA and stakeholders.Provide inputs to align Brazil’s enhanced transparency system, particularly regarding NDC tracking and updating, with the approach of carbon budgets. This includes developing QA/QC processes, including sensitivity and uncertainty analysis.Maintain contact and participate in meetings with technical experts from UNEPCCC and other relevant UNEP divisions. Output expectations:Map the current context of GHG and SLCP emissions and the existing mitigation policy framework in the LULUCF sector of Brazil, highlighting key drivers and regions, if applicable.Conduct a critical analysis of the proposed actions considering their interfaces with other sectors and the respective competence and influence of the LULUCF sector, such as Solid Waste and Wastewater, Transportation, and Energy.Analyze how the proposed sector plan actions can contribute to promoting a Just and Inclusive Transition (e.g., poverty and inequality reduction, food and nutritional security, pollution reduction and health, access to affordable energy, equitable distribution of climate transition costs, etc.).Establish priorities and goals for the sector for 2030 and provide indicative goals for 2035, based on inputs from sectoral focal points in government.Estimate the emission reductions of proposed actions using an emissions policies simulation tool, with support from the Senior Technical Coordinator.Identify the regulatory changes required to enable the proposed mitigation actions for the sector.Propose governance structures and responsibilities for managing, monitoring, and assessing the sectoral action plan, including mechanisms for public participation and transparency.Ensure Brazil’s enhanced transparency system is aligned with the approach of carbon budgets.Prepare 23 technical presentations on relevant themes concerning sectoral mitigation levers and their implications, to be defined in alignment with UNEPCCC and sectoral focal points in the government. Performance indicators: ● Timely submission of all deliverables according to the work plan, with clear and sufficient writing for MMA, UNEPCCC, and UNEP Brazil comments, making required adjustments as necessary. ● Attend regular coordination calls with the Senior Technical Coordinator, UNEPCCC, and other UNEP experts, as well as maintain daily communication with the governmentappointed sectoral focal points, MMA, and the UNEP Brazil office. ● Achieve the expected outcome of the consultancy: Brazil has a Sectoral Mitigation Plan for the LULUCF sector consistent with a GHG and SLCP modeled comitigation pathway, aligned with a feasible implementation strategy and a harmonized M&E framework. Specific tasks and responsibilities Deliverable 1: Initial work plan of overall tasks and activities aligned with the LULUCF Sectoral Plan Workplan, including suggestions for a list of technical presentations on relevant topics to be discussed with MMA and partners in the format of technical meetings, agreed with UNEPCCC in coordination with the Government. In line with the sector plans templates, prepare/review the draft chapter outlining the current context of GHGs and SLCP emissions in the LULUCF sector, the economic, political, and strategic relevance of the sector, and highlight the sector’s role in the country’s mitigation efforts with key emission drivers by region, including relevant past mitigation efforts and policies in place. Deliverable 2: Report on the proposed course of actions, considering interfaces with other sectors and the respective competence and influence of the LULUCF sector. Submission of a progress report outlining activities taken to advance the implementation of the agreed sectoral work plan, proposing adjustments as necessary for approval. Deliverable 3: Submission of a progress report outlining activities taken to advance the implementation of the agreed sectoral work plan, proposing adjustments as necessary for approval. Deliverable 4: Report estimating the emission reductions of proposed actions using an emissions policies simulation tool. Submission of a progress report outlining activities taken to advance the implementation of the agreed sectoral work plan, proposing adjustments as necessary for approval. Deliverable 5: Sectoral Action Plan with programs and specific measures, including the respective Monitoring and Evaluation framework and means of implementation for reaching the sectoral budget, agreed with the Brazilian Government, UNEPCCC, and UNEP Brazil. Submission of a progress report outlining activities taken to advance the implementation of the agreed sectoral work plan, proposing adjustments as necessary for approval. Deliverable 6: Report on the just transition contributions of the Sectoral Action Plan. Submission of a progress report outlining activities taken to advance the implementation of the agreed sectoral work plan, proposing adjustments as necessary for approval. Deliverable 7: Final version of the Sectoral Mitigation Plan for Cities, incorporating inputs from the Public Consultation process and other expert reviews, agreed with the Brazilian Government, UNEPCCC, and UNEP Brazil. Policy brief of the Sectoral Plan, comprising recommendations for policymakers and key messages for the sector. Submission of a progress report outlining activities taken to advance the implementation of the agreed sectoral work plan, proposing adjustments as necessary for approval.
Qualifications/special skills
● Advanced university degree, master or equivalent in Environmental Sciences, Natural Resources Management, Agricultural Sciences, Geography, or relevant fields of study. ● A firstlevel university degree in combination with 6 additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. ● A minimum of 8 years of practical experience in climate change policy development and advice in the LULUCF sector in Brazil. ● Proven experience in the LULUCF sector planning. ● Experience with Brazilian public policies related to the LULUCF sector is required (e.g. PPCDs, PLANAVEG, Forest Code, etc.) ● Experience with Brazil’s public sector institutions is an asset. ● Experience in climate finance is an asset. ● Technical expertise working with the LULUCF sector planning is required ● Indepth knowledge of the national plans, strategies, and policies related to climate change and forests in Brazil is required. ● Proven ability to work under pressure, with tight deadlines is required ● Proven ability in articulation with different organizations and sectors (public and privatis required ● Proven ability to write technical or policy documents is required ● Familiarity with emissions policy simulation tools is an asset
● Excellent verbal and written communication in English and Portuguese is required.
Additional Information
Not available.
No Fee