Organizational Setting
The Department of Management (MT) provides a ‘platform of services’ that serves as a foundation for the successful delivery of the IAEA’s scientific and technical programmes. Its mission statement is as follows: “MT is a partner and a business enabler that champions change and efficiency, leveraging a common purpose”.
The Department of Management’s Division of General Services (MTGS) provides support functions to the IAEA through its five Sections, namely the Archives and Records Section (ARMS), the Commissary Management Section (CMS), the Facilities Management and General Support Section (FMGSS), and the Seibersdorf Laboratories Services Section (SLSS).
Types of engagements will be “Retail Assistant” or “Warehouse Worker”.
The purpose of this announcement is to build up the IAEA’s pipeline (roster) of qualified candidates who possess expertise at various levels within one or more of the following disciplines:
How does the Talent Pipeline work?
The talent Pipeline is open to enable candidates to express their interest for any of the above listed assignments. For the VIC Commissary Qualified candidates who are available for daily short term assignments are encouraged to register and create their personal profiles. Those interested in working at the IAEA within any of the fields listed above, should apply by completing an online application.
Note: This is a pipeline for two separate roles. In their motivation letters, candidates should clearly indicate for which of the above roles they wish to be considered.
Please note, that recruitment is on a LOCAL BASIS ONLY, thus applicants must be legal residents in Austria. English language test is part of the screening process. Registration in the Pipeline does not constitute any formal obligation on the side of the IAEA to offer any type of employment. Updates will only be provided to candidates who are being considered for opportunities. Appointment is subject to a satisfactory medical report.
Education, Experience and Language Skills
Experience and Language Skills For the areas mentioned above, general requirements and assets are as follows:
Remuneration The IAEA offers an attractive remuneration package, including a tax-free net base salary. Remuneration level will be at GS-2 Grade determined for the daily short-term assignment for each day on which the staff member is required to be available for service, (including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays falling within the total period of employment). There is no provision for paid leave during Daily Short-term appointment.
Organizational Core and Functional Competencies
Core competencies
Functional Competencies