Under the supervision of the Regional ECD focal point, with technical guidance from UNICEF MENARO parenting
taskforce, the contractor will be responsible for the following:
1. Develop a draft Inception report layout.
The Inception report must include desk review of literature and articulate the proposed methodology and
proposes a detailed timeline and tools that will be used for the mapping and stakeholder consultations.
Conduct a mapping of Early Childhood Development (ECD) policies, programmes and interventions in the Middle
East and North Africa countries with a specific focus on early years (first 1,000 day
1. Conduct regional analysis of the output level indicators from the four goal areas of the UNICEF strategic plan using
UNICEF global database for the UNICEF core standard indicators and regional gender action plan indicators related to
ECD and parenting.
2. Mapping of the ECD and parenting
– Map ECD current ECD policies
– ECD existing multisectoral coordination structures
– Map current implementation of ECD and parenting programs and related activities;
– Describe key ECD and parenting programme features; classify ECD and parenting programmes available into
Blind/ sensitive/ responsive or transformative from the gender and disability lens.
– Assess for comprehensiveness of policies and programmes considering both upstream/downstream
strategies (supply/systems/community-based approaches)
– Identify gaps and challenges in providing accessible ECD and parenting services;
– Document factors associated with successful implementation and scale-up; and
– Generate recommendations to inform regional ECD strategy development.
– and national planning and implementation efforts.
– Prepare country case studies/policy briefs reflecting success in ECD multisectoral programming
Develop a regional ECD roadmap to define the MENA ECD narrative and operationalize the UNICFE’s global vision on
3. Support the development of Regional ECD roadmap to operationalization of the global ECD vision
– Identifies the strategic priorities, key intervention and actions for ECD, which would serve as the foundation
to develop regional narrative that will provide the strategic directions to country offices to support strengthen
ECD policies and programmes and help achieve the intended results
– Coordinate with regional technical team from different sectors and country offices to develop the roadmap
and case studies
Build tools and capacities of the ECD country offices focal points UNICEF’s MENA ECD narrative through remote support
and a face-to-face training.
4. Prepare summary presentation for regional webinar organised by MENARO
5. Facilitate a two-day training of ECD focal points at country offices level on ECD programming
Draft report
The consultant will prepare and share for comments the draft consultancy report, which will include:
a) A detailed Regional ECD and parenting programmes mapping report.
b) Analytical report focused on challenges and operational issues.
c) A comprehensive roadmap to strengthen ECD and parenting programme implementation.
d) Country specific case studies or policy briefs for selected countries in the region
6. Final report
The consultant will finalize the draft report based on the comments received and country case studies/policy briefs
for selected countries in the region.
Below are details of the assignment and timelines:
Level of Education: Postgraduate Degree
Work Hours: 8
Experience in Months: 96