UNEP : Project Management and Coordination Consultant – Beirut

negotiable / YEAR Expires in 7 days


Result of Service
Project management and coordination, knowledge sharing, capacity building, and implementation of the Qatar national biodiversity database.
Work Location
Doha – Qatar (Ministry of Environment and Climate Change)
Expected duration
6 months
Duties and Responsibilities
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. The Regional Office for West Asia delivers advisory services and capacity building support to countries to achieve environment and sustainable development objectives. This consultancy is within the framework of the project entitled “Qatar Biodiversity Database and Environment Information System for Decision Making” to be implemented jointly by UNEP and the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) of Qatar. The overall objective of this project is to ensure that the database becomes a system that can contribute to the conservation and sustainable utilization of biodiversity data and information at the national level and is used for the preparation of biodiversity-related reports, monitoring and decision making. The project would enable MECC to meet its strategic objectives, targets, and international obligations towards MEAs where the collection, organization, and dissemination of biodiversity information would be driven by user needs and demands. Moreover, the project will establish a knowledge management platform to give decision makers in the State of Qatar access to and use of biodiversity information and embedding biodiversity information within national development decision making processes. The UNEP Regional Office for West Asia would like to recruit a well-qualified international consultant to coordinate the implementation of the Project. The consultant will ease efficient communication and coordination with all stakeholders, organize capacity-building events, regular coordination, and project steering committee meetings. The consultant will ensure knowledge sharing and communication, provide regular progress reports, and develop mechanisms for enhanced capacity building, continuous education, communication, and awareness for all users. This consultant will report to the designated Programme Management Officer. 2. Duties and Responsibilities: Under the direct supervision of the designated Programme Management Officer, at UNEP ROWA, the selected consultant will carry-out, inter alia, the following duties and responsibilities: 1. Project Management and Coordination • Work with the regional coordinator in overseeing day-to-day implementation of the project according to the workplan and in liaison with focal ministries and all relevant stakeholders, including the international biodiversity expert consultant, international implementing partner, and MOECC’s PMU (Project Management Unit). • Closely monitor and track the implementation progress and update the project workplan accordingly with all relevant evidence. • Prepare monthly and quarterly progress reports to UNEP-ROWA detailing activities undertaken, achievements, minutes of meetings, upcoming events, matter in need of attention, and discussions held with stakeholders. • Share weekly project progress updates with UNEP-ROWA. • Regularly conduct a risk management assessment and mitigation plan. • Effective coordination and communication among all stakeholders throughout the different project’s phases, including coordinating for a weekly and monthly meetings, supporting the User Acceptance Testing (UAT) phase, handover phase and all projects’ related tasks. These meetings will be focused on discussing ongoing progress, updates and upcoming steps involving PMU at UNEP and the MOECC. • Coordinate the country missions of UNEP staff and consultants, including, but not limited to, logistics, field surveys, capacity-building workshops, awareness workshops, seminars, and conferences. • Organize training workshops, stakeholders’ consultations and awareness raising events. This will include preparing technical material and end of event reports. • Package the evidence for the completed work plan along with the final project report for project closure. • Develop materials and logistic preparation for the project steering and technical committee meetings. Deliverables: • D1: Monthly Progress Reports (activities, achievements, challenges, minutes of meetings, country missions’ outcomes, upcoming events, matter in need of attention, stakeholders’ discussions, project risks assessment and mitigation, and project tracking metrics including quantifiable data on project milestones, activities completed, and progress toward project outputs). • D2: Compilation of completed outputs (evidence sheet) as per the final workplan. 2. Knowledge Management Platform Content, Continuous Capacity Building, Communication, and Awareness • Finalize the coordination needed for the development and implementation of a capacity-building programme with the Ministry on technical issues, including reporting and strategies in line with international commitments, biodiversity assessments and surveys, and the use of GIS software and data services. • Develop a support mechanism to ensure regular capacity-building by sharing expertise and knowledge with UNEP through seminars, conferences, and workshops, based on the Ministry’s needs and feedback. • Finalize the process of collecting available information, reports, and publications that can be integrated into the knowledge management platform, in coordination with the Ministry and the international partner. • Establish a mechanism for continuous education, communication and awareness for all users, in coordination with the Ministry and the international partner. Deliverables: • D3: A robust mechanism to ensure capacity-building on a regular basis by sharing capacity and knowledge with UNEP through seminars, conferences and workshops, in alignment with the Ministry’s needs. • D4: A comprehensive repository of collected information, reports, and publications integrated into the knowledge management platform, collected in coordination with the Ministry and the international partner. • D5: A comprehensive mechanism for continuous education, communication, and awareness for all users, developed in coordination with the Ministry and the international partner.
Qualifications/special skills
Advanced degree (master’s or higher) in project management, environmental sciences, biodiversity conservation, natural resources management, biodiversity databases, environment information systems or another relevant field. A minimum of 5 years of work experience related to project management, environmental sciences, biodiversity conservation, system coordination, or any other relevant field is required Experience in information systems and biodiversity databases is required. Previous experience in the conception of reports is required. Excellent communication and stakeholder management skills is required. Knowledge of the state of environment in Qatar and the West Asia region is desirable. Experience in knowledge sharing, communication and capacity building is a strong asset.
Fluency in written and spoken English and Arabic is required.
Additional Information
Not available.
No Fee

Level of Education: Bachelor Degree

Work Hours: 8


Experience in Months: No requirements

Beirut, Lebanon