Ecosystem Based Adaptation (EbA) Technical Specialist for the Caribbean Biological Corridor

negotiable / YEAR Expired 2 months ago
This job has expired.


Result of Service
To deliver against the programme of work, the UNEP seeks to hire a consultant to contribute with the implementation of the project “Increasing resilience of ecosystems and communities to climate change through Ecosystem Based Adaptation (EbA) in key connected areas of the Caribbean Biological Corridor” and liaise with country representatives in Cuba and Haiti and other CBC member countries. The consultant will support the identification and rollout of EbA measures to be implemented throughout the project and contribute to the implementation of the CBC Initiative’s Strategic plan towards 2030 with special focus in Haiti. Report on the work carried out to provide guidance to CBC local partners, and achievements from CBC led activities on the field with project partners in Haiti and Cuba regarding EbA, capacity building and strategic communications for the CBC EbA project. Progress reports on technical activities for the CBC EbA Project supported and final report including any key details required by the donor and/or CBC Secretariat. Specific tasks and responsabilities: – Contribute to the implementation of the project “Increasing resilience of ecosystems and communities to climate change through Ecosystem Based Adaptation (EbA) in key connected areas of the Caribbean Biological Corridor”, particularly, but not limited-to EbA actions on the field. – Liase with government counterparts, CBC partners on the field in Haiti – Contribute to the monitoring, evaluation and learning plan of project actions implemented in Haiti either directly by CEDAF or by local partners on the field. – Serve as a Specialist of the CBC Secretariat promoting and implementing decisions and activities related to the Strategic Plan towards 2030 of the initiative. To this end, the consultant is expected to carry out the following specific tasks and responsibilities: • Provide technical inputs for the execution of project activities, particularly in the implementation of actions on the field, ecosystem restoration, ecosystem-based adaptation, identification of sustainable livelihoods among other in close collaboration with the other CBC Secretariat and project staff. • Serve as the liason person of the activities implemented by partners of the project “Increasing resilience of ecosystems and communities to climate change through Ecosystem Based Adaptation (EbA) in key connected areas of the Caribbean Biological Corridor”, ensuring implementation on the ground meets donor requirements as well as contributing to report to the monitoring, evaluation and learning plan. • Provide technical inputs for the design, preparation, and rollout of trainings workshops and capacity building activities, facilitating discussions where necessary under the CBC Strategic Action Plan and in the context of project implementation. • Interact with the national governmental focal points, the Caribbean Biological Corridor Secretariat and collaborating organizations. Serve as a liaison for the participation of local communities in the activities of the CBC project, in Haiti as well as with UNEP Haiti Office activities. • Provide technical inputs for the organization of the annual meetings of the Technical Committee and the Ministerial Committee of the Initiative. • Provide technical inputs for technical progress reports and other periodic documents to be submitted to the donors. • Collaborate in networking with ongoing activities of other governmental and nongovernmental agencies. • Contribute to keeping records of the expenses related to the execution of the activities in accordance with the rules and procedures of UNEP, CEDAF and donors. • Collaborate with the daily operations of the CBC Secretariat and contribute to provide guidance to UNEP Haiti Office in thematic areas related to the CBC.
Work Location
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Expected duration
12 months
Duties and Responsibilities
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action. The UNEP Latin America and the Caribbean Office (LAC Office), located in Panama City, Panama, works closely with the 33 countries of the region and its activities are integrated into the Medium-Term Strategy and the Programme of Work approved by the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA). The project “Increasing resilience of ecosystems and communities to climate change through Ecosystem Based Adaptation (EbA) in key connected areas of the Caribbean Biological Corridor” is framed within the “Environmental governance” sub-programme. This project seeks to reduce the risks of coastal flooding, sedimentation, and warming temperatures in key ecosystems of the Caribbean Biological Corridor (CBC), by promoting Ecosystem Based Adaptation (EbA), as well as more resilient and sustainable communities and protected areas. The overarching goal will be achieved by working with local partners and authorities in specific locations that play a key role in providing ecological connectivity between wetlands, mangroves and other marine-coastal ecosystems in the provinces of Holguín and Guantánamo, between Yamanigüey and Nibujón in Cuba, specifically in the wetland areas along the Alejandro de Humboldt NP, and in in the coastal areas of Nord-Ouest and Nord departments of Haiti, including two potential mangrove forests in the locality of Haut Fourneaux in Port de Paix and in the Baie-de l’Acul. UNEP is an implementing partner for this project through an agreement with CEDAF, the lead implementing agency of this project. The EbA Technical specialist (UNEP/CBC) is required to provide guidance with the identification and implementation of EbA actions in the field, with special focus in Haiti. The consultant will operate under the overall supervision of the UNEP Head of Biodiversity, Land and Governance Programme with Division of Environmental Law and Conventions at the UNEP Headquarters in Nairobi. Additionally, he/she will to liase with Haiti government counterparts and local partners to ensure effective project implementation. The consultant will act as a member of the CBC Secretariat and collaborate closely with the CEDAF project manager the CBC Executive Secretary and technical Team. The consultant will work 40 hours per week from Monday to Friday full time in the CBC secretariat office, located in Dominican Republic.
Qualifications/special skills
ACADEMIC: – Bachelor´s degree on environmental studies, natural resource management, sustainable development, agriculture or related fields is required. – Master’s degree in areas related to environmental management, sustainable development, integrated quality systems, international cooperation and / or project management is desirable. PROFESSIONAL: -At least 5 years of progressively responsible experience in environmental matters, natural resource management, agriculture, or related fields is required. -Demonstrated experience of at least 4 years of work in Haiti, Cuba and other CBC member countries with emphasis in Haiti as part of project teams in environmental/sustainable development matters is desirable. -Knowledge on regional approaches to biodiversity conservation and connectivity, Climate Change adaptation, ecological restoration and/or sustainable resource use is desirable. -Previous experience with community led processes, engagement and participation or sustainable livelihood alternatives is desirable. -Demonstrated experience and knowledge of the administrative aspects of the United Nations System and its respective agencies is an asset. -Experience in the design and implementation of planning, monitoring and evaluation systems is desirable. -Knowledge on the CBC Initiative is desirable.
-Fluent in Spanish is required. -Fluent in French is required. -Basic knowledge of English and Haitian Creole is an advantage. SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS: -Ability to conceive and draw up technical documents. -Ability to work independently and as a team. -Excellent communication skills (written and oral presentations) -Ability to interact with diverse environments, including local communities and government counterparts is desirable.
Additional Information
Not available.
No Fee
Panama City, Panama
This job has expired.