United Nations Environment Programme Terminal Reviewer for Dominican Republic CBIT I and Trinidad & Tobago CBIT I projects and PPG Consultant for the development of Dominican Republic CBIT II, Trinidad and Tobago CBIT II Kenya UNEP Jobs 2024
United Nations Environment Programme looking for “Terminal Reviewer for Dominican Republic CBIT I and Trinidad & Tobago CBIT I projects and PPG Consultant for the development of Dominican Republic CBIT II, Trinidad and Tobago CBIT II”. Applicants with an Advanced degree may apply on or before 05-Jul-24.
The United Nations Environment Programme has published a job vacancy announcement on 30-Jun-24 for qualified applicants to fill in the vacant post of Terminal Reviewer for Dominican Republic CBIT I and Trinidad & Tobago CBIT I projects and PPG Consultant for the development of Dominican Republic CBIT II, Trinidad and Tobago CBIT II to be based in Nairobi, Kenya. For more jobs, please visit
Company Name: United Nations Environment Programme
Job Title: Terminal Reviewer for Dominican Republic CBIT I and Trinidad & Tobago CBIT I projects and PPG Consultant for the development of Dominican Republic CBIT II, Trinidad and Tobago CBIT II
Duty Station: Nairobi, Kenya
Country: Kenya
Application Deadline: 05-Jul-24
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority. It sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system, and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment. This consultancy is in UNEP’s Climate Change Division, Mitigation Branch, GEF Climate Mitigation Unit, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) team and will be home-based. UNEP’s Climate Change division works with a portfolio of Global Environment Facility (GEF) medium-size and full-size climate change mitigation projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. The projects, which are in different stages of development (concept, design, implementation, closure), are executed by different partners (Ministries, NGOs, etc.). The Climate Change Division, in its role as an implementing agency, provides oversight and ensures adherence to GEF guidelines. Under the supervision of the Task Manager for Latin America for GEF mitigation projects, and in coordination with the LAC and ECA mitigation teams, the consultant will undertake the terminal review of Dominican Republic and Trinidad & Tobago Capacity-Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) I project´s and develop the full CEO endorsement request package for the the Trinidad & Tobago CBIT II project and the Dominican Republic II project. Specific tasks and responsibilities: The consultant will undertake the following duties: 1. For the terminal review – Author and lead the terminal review for the afore mentioned projects in accordance with GEF and UNEP policies. – Overall responsibility for undertaking the review and preparing the final report in English. – Review and assess (evaluation) all elements of the projects in accordance with UNEP evaluation office guidance documents. – Deliverables to be prepared in accordance with UNEP evaluation office templates. The consultant will develop terminal review findings and recommendations based on sound evidence and analysis, and clearly document these in the final reports. Information will be triangulated (i.e. verified from different sources) as far as possible, and when verification is not possible, a single source will be mentioned (whilst anonymity is still protected). Analysis leading to evaluative judgments should always be clearly spelled out. The consultant shall base the findings of the terminal reviews on the following: a) A desk review of: – Relevant background documentation, inter alia: – Project document and appendices. This includes, among others, relevant project documentation, CEO endorsement document annexes or appendixes, PCAs or ICAs and their annexes or appendixes, workplans, budget and supervision plans, as well as any revisions introduced after approval. – Theory of change, problem tree and logical frameworks. – Project reports, including: half year progress reports, project implementation reports (PIRs), expenditure reports, financial statements, audits, inventory reports, progress reports from collaborating partners, meeting minutes, relevant correspondence and Tracking Tool. – Evaluations/Reviews of similar projects, and – All information, templates, or guidance documents germane to the management-led review process issued by the GEF or UNEP Evaluation Office. b) Interviews (individual or in group) with, including but not limited to: – UNEP Task Manager (TM) and team members. – Project Manager (PM) and team members. – UNEP Administrative Officer (AO). – Project steering committee – Identified key stakeholders and contributors to the project, including governmental agencies and officials, representatives from private, technology and educational institutions, associations, CSOs and NGOs, as applicable. Other data collection tools: This can include a country visit, if necessary, and agreed with the Task Manager, among other techniques or actions to garner or triangulate information and evidence relevant to the review process. 2. For the development of each CEO endorsement request package ? Lead the preparation of the CEO endorsement document and its attachments. ? Coordinate the development and implementation of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan. ? Be responsible for the design of all substantive elements of the CEO endorsement document and its annexes, including the log frame, budget, indicators, baseline scenario, alternative scenario, stakeholders, risks, consistency with national priorities, institutional arrangements, gender action plan, knowledge management, theory of change (ToC), and monitoring and evaluation. ? Prepare an outline of the strategy and methodology to develop the CEO Endorsement Document package, including a provisional timetable. ? Ensure that the latest templates from GEF and UNEP are used in the preparation of the CEO endorsement document and associated annexes. ? Organize and undertake a country scoping mission (in person for online) and stakeholder consultation workshop (first country mission) (in person or online) and to consult with the relevant national counterparts, discuss the baseline situation, map the gaps and barriers, collect relevant country data, agree upon a project intervention logic (log frame and Annex A results framework) aligned with the approved Project Identification Form (PIF) when available and discuss initial institutional arrangements for execution. The discussion on potential co-finance contributions to the project should be initiated during this mission. ? Prepare a mission report including main findings on scope and stakeholder consultations (following first country mission) (in person or online) ? Align substantive elements of the project with national strategic and planning documents. ? Inform UNEP on the status of work and highlight, in a timely manner, risks related to the quality of the information received and the fulfillment of the project’s development schedule. ? Prepare a first draft of the CEO Endorsement Package, including relevant annexes (annexes to be included in the first draft will be discussed and agreed upon with the Task Managers) ? Prepare the submission package of the CEO endorsement document and associated annexes to the UNEP Project Review Committee (PRC) and draft the responses to the Committee’s reviews. ? Prepare and organize in close coordination with the national counterparts a stakeholder validation workshop (second country mission) (in person for online) to validate the developed CEO Endorsement Document (log frames, results framework, budget, workplan, gender action plan, etc.) with key country counterparts. ? Prepare a mission report and validation workshop report summarizing the findings, recommendations and decisions taken during the workshop, and the participants’ list. ? Prepare the submission package of the CEO endorsement document and associated annexes to the UNEP Project Review Committee (PRC) and draft the responses to the Committee’s reviews. ? Prepare a final stakeholder consultation report. The GEF requires that a report is prepared and submitted on stakeholder holder consultations undertaken during the PPG. ? Prepare a presentation for internal discussion to UNEP management describing national circumstances and context, baseline, barriers, proposed intervention, and indicators. ? Prepare a final and complete version of the CEO Endorsement Document and annexes for UNEP internal review and submission to GEF Secretariat. ? Prepare the submission package of the CEO endorsement document and associated annexes to the GEF secretariat and draft responses to Secretariat reviews.
Academic: ? Advanced university degree in engineering, economics, environmental sciences, management, or a related discipline is required ? A first-level degree with an additional two years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of an advanced university degree. Experience: ? Minimum of 5 years of experience in developing, assessing, evaluating or managing projects in the field of climate change, renewable energy, environment or development, is required. ? Experience in drafting project proposals and assessing project documents, including concepts, progress reports, work plans, and financial documents (budgets and expenditure reports) is required. ? Experience working with GEF or UNEP projects is desirable. ? Experience in working for multilateral or bilateral funding entities in the field of climate change, renewable energy environment or development is desirable.
Language: ? English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For this consultancy, fluency (both oral and written) in English is required.