• Location:
  • Salary:
    negotiable / YEAR
  • Job type:
  • Posted:
    3 months ago
  • Category:
    Audit and Oversight, Evaluation, Programme and Project Management, Research and Data
  • Deadline:




Global Green Growth Institute looking for “CONSULTANT FOR DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS FOR END OF THE PROJECT MONITORING”. Applicants with a Bachelor’s Degree may apply on or before 18-Jul-24.

The Global Green Growth Institute has published a job vacancy announcement on 07/07/2024 for qualified applicants to fill in the vacant post of CONSULTANT FOR DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS FOR END OF THE PROJECT MONITORING to be based in , Uzbekistan. For more jobs, please visit

Company Name: Global Green Growth Institute


Duty Station: , Uzbekistan

Country: Uzbekistan

Application Deadline: 18-Jul-24




Table 1. Logical Frame of the Aral Sea GRIP Project
Outcome & Output Means of Verification Indicator
Outcome 1.

Aral Sea Development Program (policy guidance) adopted for and enacted in Karakalpakstan.

Cabinet of Ministers Resolution (or other relevant government authorization) (A) IO2.1 1 green growth policies adopted by governments with GGGI’s support.

(B) IO4.1 1,923,700 beneficiaries assisted through GGGI’s poverty aligned projects, disaggregated by gender.

Output 1.1. Two technical analyses (CRGG & GRIA) conducted and validated for the development of the Aral Sea Strategic Guidance/Policy Document framing the Aral Sea Development Program. Government’s written endorsement/confirmation of CRGG & GRIA; # of workshop reports (C) IO2.1 2 completed advisory outputs that inform the development of government green growth policies.
Output 1.2 Inception Action Plan to support Aral Sea Intra-agency Coordinating Mechanisms (Aral Sea ICM) for the Aral Sea Development Program developed. Government’s written endorsement/confirmation of the Green Bond Development Plan (and priority projects) and Green employment assessment; # of consultation reports (D) “O2.1 2 completed advisory outputs that inform the development of government green growth policies.


Number of consultations”

(E) 3 consultations

Outcome 2. Dehkan and private farmers (fermers) have increased resilience to climate and Aral Sea disaster risks Dehkan and private farmers (fermers) have increased resilience to climate and Aral Sea disaster risks



Denominator: Total working population in Agriculture sector in Karakalpakstan (26,375)

(F) IO4.1 26,375 (25% of total dehqon farmers and fermers population);beneficiaries assisted through GGGI’s poverty aligned projects, disaggregated by gender.
(G)IO4.2 13188women supported through GGGI’s projects with targeted gender interventions, disaggregated by gender.
(H)At least 25% of capacity building program participants from 4 districts use CSA/DRR knowledge, including approx. 50% women and approx. 25% youth (age 14-30) (Approx. 6,594)
(I)At least 25% of capacity building program participants from 4 districts improved business practices in their small and medium sized businesses

(# to be determined)

Denominator: No. of Module 6 participants

Output 2.1 Climate and disaster risk resilience capacity is strengthened among dehkan farmers and fermers in 4 districts in Karakalpakstan Stakeholders confirm/validate the risk profile; Capacity-building module accepted by Government and stakeholders; Participants confirm increased awareness and acquiring skills in resilience to climate and disaster risks (J)At least 25% of the total population working in the agricultural sector in 4 districts participate in capacity building activities
(K)O3.2 6green growth knowledge products delivered.
(L)O4.1 100%of new projects that address poverty reduction and inclusiveness.
Outcome 3. Local entrepreneurs of Karakalpakstan are equipped with climate resilient agri-business models Financial statements of beneficiary enterprises; household income surveys of farmers (M)IO1.1 Total 20,000,000 USD value of climate finance/green growth investment commitments secured with GGGI’s support, disaggregated by public and private sector financing.

(N)IO4.1 1,267 beneficiaries assisted through GGGI’s poverty aligned projects, disaggregated by gender.

Output 3.1. Climate resilient agri-business models are established for farmers and MSMEs “Consultation report on validation of CSA business models Completion report on CSA pilot implementation” (O)O1.1 4 completed advisory outputs that inform decisions on green growth investments.


(P) 1 Letters of intent by private/public/non-profit institutions valued investment commitment mobilized of 20M USD from demonstrated business models

(Q)O1.1 1 completed advisory outputs that inform decisions on green growth investments

(R)O2.1 4 completed advisory outputs that inform the development of government green growth policies.

Output 3.2. Business development platform established for farmers, MSMEs, and institutional enablers One business development platform established and curriculum of capacity building programs uploaded; events/sessions organized and documented; government endorsement letter (S) 1,700 consultancy services provided through BDP

(T) 4100 users registered in BDP (disaggregated by gender)

(U)O3.2 1 green growth knowledge products delivered.

(W) 10 consultants registered in BDP

Outcome 4. Successful climate resilient agri-MSMEs and farmers across Karakalpakstan have improved access to finance from commercial banks and government green financing MoU document (X)IO1.1 Total10,000,000 USD value of climate finance/green growth investment commitments secured with GGGI’s support, disaggregated by public and private sector financing.

(Y)”IO4.1 500 beneficiaries assisted through GGGI’s poverty aligned projects, disaggregated by gender.”

(Z) 1 MoU with the government and/or local financial institutions committing to the grant/credit guarantee facility

Output 4.1. Risk mitigating financial solutions are developed to facilitate increased commercial lending for MSMEs utilizing climate resilient agri-business models identified in Output 3.1 “GCF proposal; Government’s letter of intent to fund grant scheme” (AA)O1.1 1 completed advisory outputs that inform decisions on green growth investments

(AB) 1 Letter of intent of government to fund and support the grant scheme

Output 4.2. A capacity building program on climate finance for the NDA and financial institutions is established Letter of appreciation from the participating NDA and local financial institutions (AC)”O2.1 1 completed advisory outputs that inform the development of government green growth policies.”

(AD)O3.1 1 workshops and webinars delivered.

(AE) 5 NDA and financial institutions which have completed the program

Under Aral Sea GRIP Project, the main results obtained until June 2024 are:

1) Component 1, developed different policy inputs and knowledge products, like the Climate-Resilient Green Growth Assessment for the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Karakalpakstan Agriculture Risk Profile for a Climate Resilient Capacity Development, the Green Recovery Investment Analysis for Climate Resilient Agriculture in the Republic of Karakalpakstan; the Green Job Assessment; and currently is developing the White Paper – Policy recommendations on sustainable landscapes, climate-smart agriculture, and forestry development in the Aral Sea region for human well-being.

2) Component 2, four different Sets of Awareness Raising and Capacity Development training and sessions and a Media Campaign were conducted:

  1. Climate Change & Household Adaptation ​(Set 1)

Target: 12,000 youth

ToT of 132 teachers + Class training to 12,223 youth ​(51% female)

  1. Climate Change & Health Adaptation ​(Set 2)

Target: 2000 women

ToT of 20 nurses + In-person sessions for 2160 women (99% female, 32% youth)

  1. Climate Change & Farming Adaptation ​(Set 3)

Target: 2000 smallholder farmers

ToT of 20 farmers + In-person sessions for 2200 smallholder farmers (49% female, 21% youth)

  1. Climate and Business Plan Development​

In-person sessions for 446 smallholder farmers​ (61% female)

Total people reached in-person: 16,751

  1. Awareness Raising Media Campaign

Four videos on clean air, water filtration, drip irrigation, biopest management​ disseminated through tv, radio and social media targeting 12,000 people (minimum) reached more than 1,5 million people/views.

Total people reached: 1,516,751 people. This fulfills the target of 26,375 people (Indicator A, Table 1).

3) Component 3, has developed different interventions to promote CSA technology adoption:

  1. Pilots
  • Prefeasibility analysis for more than 6 CSA models.
  • 4 CSA models implementation with 7 (pilot) farms and Forestry Enterprises – co-financing valued at 1.7 million USD.
    • The water-saving irrigation systems for 295 hectares in those 7 pilot sites.
    • Planted more than 18,000 trees to establish 31 km of windbreaks.
    • Drip irrigation system installed in the greenhouse of the Nukus “Monocenter”.
  1. Trainings
  • 406 participants (91 women, 307 men; 157 youth).
    • “Efficient land and water management in tree nurseries and demonstration of commercial tree propagation technologies”, 24-26 Oct.
    • “Crop quality and yield increase through resource efficiency – climate friendly water and input saving technologies in winter wheat and fruit production”, 28-30 Nov and 1 Dec.
    • “Karatal (black willow) benefits – economic, environmental and social benefits”, 2 Dec.
    • Greenhouse & Drip irrigation trainings in Nukus “Monocenter”.
    • GGGI, the Monocenter and Hokimiyats of the target districts selected 40 unemployed persons eligible for the government greenhouse subsidy.
    • First group completed the course, 1-30 Nov, 2023
    • Second group completed the course, 22 Jan-23 Feb, 2024
  1. Business Development Platform
  • BDP officially launched on 28 Oct. 2022. ​
  • 899 users registered (approx. 10% women) as of March 2024. ​
  • 2 Farmers Expos organized to introduce BDP. ​
  • 772 Advisory services provided for farmers (through in-person sessions, expos, online). ​
  • 18 qualified consultants registered​
  • Established Platform & content partnership with 13 partners. ​
  • 72 KPs uploaded in 4 languages. ​
  • Major functionality challenges addressed (74/74), and app relaunched.
  • Telegram channel with news and analytical materials – 81 followers.

4) Component 4 has developed four business plans linked to the CSA agriculture models to support farmers’ access to finance resources. In addition, it has trained financial institutions and farmers on the CSA scope and business plans. Currently, it is working on a green bond framework for private banks to mobilize financial resources to support CSA and other green activities in Karakalpakstan and Uzbekistan.

Considering the logical framework of the Aral Sea Grip Project presented above, GGGI Uzbekistan’s Country Office needs extra technical capacity to support the data collection and information analysis to monitor the results obtained by the project.


The consultant will provide technical assistance to the GGGI Uzbekistan’s Country Office in overall monitoring (collecting, reviewing, and assessing) the results of the Aral Sea GRIP project, with a special emphasis on Component 2 (Awareness Raising) to facilitate the end-of-project evaluation.


Under direct supervision of the Project Manager, in close consultation with the Country Representative, the consultant will undertake the following tasks:

1. Components 1,3 and 4. Collect, review, process and classify any information required to complete the monitoring process of the Aral Sea GRIP Project. All the documentation should be organized in GGGI Uzbekistan SharePoint according to a specific protocol.

2. Component 2. Collect, review, process and classify any information required to complete the monitoring process of the Aral Sea GRIP Project. All the documentation should be organized in GGGI Uzbekistan SharePoint according to a specific protocol.

Youth: Phase 1

  • Set up a system for teachers to a) report on the the number of students who implemented a CCA measure as a result of the training, b) share information about the most interesting student projects c) report on the reasons for students’ implementation/ non-implementation / non-continuation of their CCA ideas
  • Explain the system to teachers and support them to implement it

– Follow up with a significant sample of the 132 schoolteachers and, in coordination with GGGI staff, brief them about the next steps to obtain information about students who implemented at least one of GGGI’s behavioral change activities (Output: Online or in-person meeting(s) with teachers). These steps must include getting permission from the students’ parents to share the students’ information with GGGI and consultants hired by GGGI.

– Support the teachers in filling out the data collection tools created for this purpose with information from their students (Output can be: Database from Kobotool box, Microsoft forms, Excel doc). Support the teachers in getting and documenting consent to sharing of information. This should include the parent’s contact information so that the consultant can later contact the child through their parents.

– Deliver an overview of the teachers’ data collection support to GGGI to teachers’ extra work payment.

  • Calculate the completion of indicators H and I (Output: statistics in Excel doc) and explain the reasons why some youth were successful in implementing a CCA measure, and why some were not (narrative report).

Youth: Phase 2

  • Identify the best practices and collect more information about them

– Follow up with the most interesting students/student projects over the phone (Output: Short protocols in Word or Excel doc). For orientation: We are aiming for a sample of 123 students (1% of 12,223). The exact size of the sample must be agreed on with GGGI in advance.

– Conduct in-person visits to (the homes of) at least 6 students together with GGGI staff and only after receiving permission of the student’s parents, in close cooperation with the student’s teacher. Photograph and film the CCA measure implemented and write a short description of the measure, the student, and the surroundings in preparation for a future video recording (Output: Short narrative report in tabular format, with photos + signed permission from the student and their parents to use the info and visual materials collected)

  • Calculate the completion of indicators H and I (Output: statistics in Excel doc).
  • Compare the CCA measures implemented by beneficiaries (i.e. students) to the materials used in the trainings conducted by the teachers (Output: Narrative Report).

Note: The final Data collection tools and outputs will be agreed with GGGI.


3. Data collection on Set 2 (Health) + Set 3 (Farming) implementation:

a. Interview at least 8 trainers (half for Set 2 Health, half for Set 3 Farming), 40 direct beneficiaries (half for health, half for farming) and 40 indirect beneficiaries (Government Stakeholders, family members of session participants and more), on the processes and results of the sessions, focusing on lessons learned.

Note: The interview script should be elaborated in close coordination with GGGI staff and approved by the GGGI Project Manager.

b. Compare the CCA measures implemented by beneficiaries (i.e. students) to the materials used in the trainings conducted by the teachers (Output: Narrative report, Database from Kobotool box, Microsoft fors, Excel doc).


c. Calculate the completion of indicators H and I (Output: statistics in Excel doc).

Note: The final Data collection tools and outputs will be agreed with GGGI.

4. Prepare and conduct a handover meeting to present results to GGGI and the Evaluation Consulting Firm that will conduct the end-of-project evaluation.

a. Be available to the Project Evaluation consulting firm to answer questions about the findings.

Deliverables Timeline Payment Note
  1. a) Inception Report (English): Detail all specific agreements made with GGGI on sample sizes, schedule and reporting format.
August 10, 2024 0% Payments are subject to GGGI’s approval of deliverables.


  1. Report and data collection # 1. (Component 2 Youth; Advances Components 1, 3 and 4) (English)
August 31, 2024 20%
  1. Report and collection # 2. (Component 2 Adult; Advances Components 1, 3 and 4) (English)
September 30, 2024 20%
  1. Report and collection # 3. (Components 1, 2, 3 and 4).
October 31, 2024 20%
  1. Final Report on the data collection, reviewing, processing and classifying
December 10 , 2024 30%

* The contract start is expected between July 22, and July 31, 2024.

  • The consultant’s work progress will be monitored primarily through weekly review meetings, which will be approved by the Project Manager, in close consultation with the Country Representative.
  • All deliverables must be written in American English2, and translated to Russian, Karakalpak and Uzbek in line with the deliverables schedule above, and submitted to GGGI by the indicated deadline.
  • The position is expected to be held in the Nukus Office.
  • Mission travels to Tashkent are essential to this task. Travel plans must be approved by the GGGI supervisor in advance. In this case, travel expenses shall be borne by GGGI.


Minimum qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree in ethnology, sociology, anthropology, international development, green growth, economics, management, or any other related fields.
  • A minimum of 5 years of working experience in data collection, monitoring and analyzing data and information from development projects, green growth, social studies, economics, and/or rural development & basic knowledge in the agriculture sector of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
  • Direct work experience related to Uzbekistan and Karakalpakstan on data collection, analysis, and project monitoring.
  • Proficiency in English writing and speaking is required.
  • Proficiency in Karakalpak writing and speaking is required.
  • Excellent computer skills with experience in Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Forms, SharePoint, and Onedrive).
  • Sound knowledge and work experience in international cooperation institutions is an advantage.
  • Aral Sea crisis knowledge and expertise is a plus.
This job has expired.