A qualitative study on the nexus of gender equality and focus thematic areas to inform the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), 2026-2030.
Focus thematic areas of ADB’s forthcoming CPS 2026-2030 for PRC include climate change and environmental protection.
The intern is expected to update a draft qualitative study on the nexus of gender equality and focus thematic areas, which will feed into preparation of the CPS and overall country gender situation analysis.
• Under guidance from the CCGE gender equality team assigned to East Asia Department (EARD) operations, contribute to a literature review and research on the following:
(i) Gender Equality and Climate Change Nexus: (i) Explore how climate change disproportionately impacts women and girls especially in rural areas in the PRC; (ii) Develop gender-responsive strategies to increase women’s resilience, promote their participation in climate adaptation and mitigation efforts, improve access to climate-smart technologies, create economic opportunities in the green economy, constantly being reshaped by digital technology, and support sustainable agriculture and disaster risk reduction initiatives; and (iii) Recommend gender-responsive climate initiatives including financing.
(ii) Gender Equality and Environmental Protection Nexus: (i) Investigate the gendered impacts of environmental and biodiversity degradation; (ii) Explore women’s roles in environmental and biodiversity management; and (iii) Integrate gender perspectives into ecological protection and biodiversity conservation efforts to promote inclusive and sustainable development.
• Contribute to gender analysis of the following issues: (i) key gender issues in the PRC, including women’s limited economic opportunities and underrepresentation in decision-making; and digital gender divide, as increasingly influenced by on-going digital transformation of PRC’s economy; and (ii) emerging concerns such as aging population, declining fertility and women’s unpaid care work burden, affecting women’s labor force participation.
Report Preparation
• Conduct technical review of the initial draft research reports on (i) Gender Equality and Climate Change Nexus; and (ii) Gender Equality and Environmental Protection Nexus; and provide inputs from a gender-responsive climate change and environmental protection perspective.
• Contribute to data analysis and insights on key issues, practical entry points, and potential recommendations for gender mainstreaming in the forthcoming programming and pipeline/ensuing projects for the PRC.
Knowledge Dissemination
• Present the research findings to ADB and other key stakeholders
• Assist in organization and delivery of related knowledge events and/or products.
• Duration: 11 weeks
• Timing: January 2025 onwards
ADB Headquarters, Manila, Philippines
• Revised draft research reports on (i) Gender Equality and Climate Change Nexus; and (ii) Gender Equality and Environmental Protection Nexus to inform the PRC CPS (2026-2030) and overall country gender situation analysis.
• Knowledge event to present the research findings.
• Enrolled in a Master’s or PhD level program at a tertiary institution in an ADB member country, for the entire duration of the assignment period.
• Engaged in academic study in a field relevant to the topic of study, namely gender and development, applied social science, environmental science, economics, public policy or a related field.
• National of one of ADB’s member countries
• Solid experience in research and data analysis, with strong analytical skills
• Demonstrated ability to conduct gender analysis of research and solid understanding of gender equality concepts
• Fluent command of English, written and spoken, with advanced writing capacity
• Work experience in climate change or environmental protection, or related fields
• Dynamic, proactive and collaborative personality and work style
• Familiarity with PRC and Chinese language would be an asset.
Upload the following documents in the “Attachments” section of your application
• Curriculum vitae (CV)
• Proof of enrollment to a Masters or PhD program.
Inclusive dates should confirm that you will be enrolled during the intended period of assignment (January to March 2025).