Consultant – New Climate Economy

  • Salary:
    negotiable / YEAR
  • Job type:
  • Posted:
    1 month ago
  • Category:
    Climate and Disaster Resilience, Economics, Environment and Natural Resources
  • Deadline:


Call for tenders

Consultant for the elaboration of a proposal for a participation and inclusion approach in the new climate economy process in the Democratic Republic of Congo


WRI intends to award a fixed-price contract to develop a proposal for an approach to participation and inclusion in the New Climate Economy process in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Key deliverables will include an inception report, an analysis report of inclusion approaches practiced in similar initiatives in the DRC and in other countries, an argument on the need to strengthen inclusion in the new climate economy in the DRC, and different inclusion options to be tested with civil society and leaders of local communities and indigenous populations.

Submissions are due by September 15, 2024. The proposed budget is USD 15,000. WRI is firmly committed to value for money in all aspects of its work, but recognizes the importance of this initiative and is willing to negotiate with potential partners if there is a strong case for additional financial resources.


Founded in 1982, World Resources Institute (WRI) is an environmental think tank that goes beyond research to turn ideas into action. We work with governments, businesses and civil society to find solutions to pressing environmental challenges. WRI’s transformative ideas protect the earth and promote development insofar as sustainability is essential to meeting human needs and aspirations in the future.

As part of its 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, WRI intends to support country-led initiatives for Economic and Ecological Transitions. Our approach is to form multi-year partnerships with national governments, businesses, NGOs and other stakeholders to support countries in their transition, including economic planning and financing across multiple sectors. We provide decision-makers with the data, research and evidence-based approaches needed to transform the way their countries produce and consume food, manage natural resources, generate energy and design cities.

The countries of the Congo Basin could have an economy that meets the needs of their people and the objectives of nature and climate, but this is not the case. The current economy is leading to a rapid increase in deforestation rates, while bringing very little development to the country and its people. Deforestation rates in the region’s primary forests have increased in recent years. In fact, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) recorded the second greatest loss of primary forest of any country in 2022, with almost ½ million hectares lost in that year alone (Cameroon coming in 8th). A number of factors underpin this deforestation, including charcoal production, agriculture (small-scale and increasingly large-scale), and illegal logging and mining. Other threats are looming on the short-term horizon: less than a year ago, the DRC announced plans to auction off oil and gas concessions over vast swathes of the country’s rainforest. What’s more, the region is poor: the average income in the DRC is $500/person/year, and 60% of the population lives below the poverty line. Underpinning all these direct and indirect factors, the region lacks a compelling “narrative” and roadmap on how to develop economically while conserving its forests and peatlands – a roadmap around which the region’s disparate efforts can rally, which aligns the forces of political economy and garners political buy-in.

Efforts to turn the countries of the Congo Basin into emerging economies while preserving most of the tropical rainforests must be based on sound economic development programs that break the historical vicious circle of natural resource degradation and poverty. What’s needed is a compelling narrative of economic development and political economy, a roadmap and program of action for a “New Economy for the Congo Basin” that benefits people, nature and climate. To this end, the New Climate Economy, launched in 2023 by the Head of State of the DRC, represents an unhoped-for opportunity on which to build this roadmap.

Following a series of stakeholder consultations in the DRC on the NEC, there was unreserved interest from most stakeholders. However, a recurring concern was the low level of effective participation by civil society players and members of local communities and indigenous peoples (CLPA). The recent creation of a post of Minister Delegate to the Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development, in charge of the New Climate Economy, presents an unhoped-for opportunity to support a more inclusive approach. To this end, civil society should act proactively and creatively to formulate proposals to inform the roadmap of the future Minister Delegate.

The mission

The overall objective of this consultancy is to develop a proposed approach for participation and inclusion in the new climate economy process in the DRC.

With the support of the WRI-DRC Policy Expert, the consultant will carry out the following tasks:

– Analyze participation and inclusion approaches practiced in similar initiatives in the DRC and in other countries, notably Indonesia, Ethiopia, and Brazil. This analysis will specifically target the participation and inclusion of civil society organizations and CLPA groups.

– Produce an argument on the opportunities and challenges of participation and inclusion of civil society and CLPAs in the deployment of the New Climate Economy in the DRC.

– Formulate relevant proposals to facilitate said participation and inclusion.

– Have the proposals validated by key players from civil society and government, and community leaders.


– Analysis report on participation and inclusion approaches used in similar initiatives in the DRC and other countries.

– Argument for strengthening participation and inclusion in the new climate economy in the DRC;


– Proposed options for participation and inclusion of civil society and CLPA leaders in the deployment process of the New Climate Economy in the DRC.

– Participation and inclusion approach approved by target groups and ready for submission to the relevant authorities.


The potential budget for this tender is USD 15,000. WRI is firmly committed to value for money in all aspects of its work. However, we recognize the importance of this initiative and are willing to negotiate with potential partners if there is a strong case for additional financial resources.

– Prices must be valid for ninety (90) days.

– A budget proposal with a breakdown of costs sufficient to assess reasonableness.

– Please also include a payment schedule associating amounts with stages of work.

– Provide prices for all applicable costs associated with this RFP. An estimate of the number of days required to complete the activities must be provided by the consultant in the proposal and must be included in the estimate. However, once the budget has been validated, payment for the service will be conditional on the supply of deliverables and not on the number of days actually worked. All expenses (equipment, materials, supplies, consumables, insurance, travel expenses, etc.) required to carry out the proposal must be mentioned in the budget.


Please submit your initial proposal by September 15, 2024. Final selection will be made by September 20, 2024.

Main stages and dates:

Note: These stages and dates are purely indicative and may be adjusted by mutual agreement between the two parties.

September 2024 Kick-off call with project team members
Mid-October 2024 Inception note with detailed work plan
End of October 2024 Argument on strengthening participation and inclusion in the New Climate Economy in the DRC

Proposed options for the participation and inclusion of civil society and CLPA leaders in the deployment process of the New Climate Economy in the DRC.

Mid-November 2024 Participation and inclusion approach approved by target groups and ready for submission to the relevant authorities.


Regular check-ins

In addition to the above-mentioned milestones and key dates, the consultant should propose a frequency for regular contact with the project team. The consultant is responsible for setting the agenda for these meetings, and for following up on key milestones.

Evaluation and selection

6.1 Evaluation criteria

The following will be the primary evaluation criteria for all proposals submitted in response to this RFP:

– Satisfaction of all required elements;

– The extent to which the proposal meets WRI’s requirements as set forth in the RFP;


– Expertise in conducting high-quality research;

– Proposed methodology

– Experience gained in similar projects;

– The overall cost of the consultant’s proposal.


The bidder offering the best overall value on the basis of the above criteria will be selected. For the purposes of this procurement, tariff and non-tariff aspects are considered to be of approximately equal importance. WRI reserves the right to select or not select an organization for any reason.

6.2 Selection process

No costs related to proposal development will be charged to WRI / all expenses are the responsibility of the bidders. WRI reserves the right to seek clarification from bidders and to negotiate fees with bidders deemed competitive.

During the final selection procedure, consultants may be asked to present their bids to a selected group of WRI staff members.

WRI may, at its discretion and without explanation to prospective consultants, elect to modify or discontinue this RFP without obligation to prospective consultants or to make multiple awards under this RFP. The terms of this document are not and are not intended to be binding on the parties. Any agreement between WRI and a successful consultant will be set forth in a definitive written agreement signed by WRI and the consultant.

Guidelines for submitting proposals


The consultant must demonstrate capacity in similar work, in particular:

– Have all national or other authorizations required to carry out the proposed research.

– Be based in DRC and willing to carry out the research upon selection.

– Have experience of climate work in the Congo Basin.

Format of Proposals

Potential candidates must submit

– A statement of interest describing the proposed team and how it meets the above requirements;

– A technical and financial proposal


– Case studies and relevant results from previous work

– CV of the consultant or consultancy team.


All questions relating to this invitation to tender may be sent by September 10 (Kinshasa and Brazzaville time) in electronic form to the contact below. Answers to questions will be communicated to all parties who have asked questions or expressed interest.

Contact: Joëlle Nkosi Boeli

Title: Legal and partnerships officer

Email: [email protected]

This job has expired.