The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page.
Indonesia is a significant contributor to reducing greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions from the forest and land use (FOLU) sector due to its extensive forest area up to 120.7 million hectares. About 60% of its land is still covered by forests, Indonesia relies on this forest for development growth while also at the same time tackling challenges that comes from extensive utilization. Pressure on encroachment, tenurial conflict, and dependency on forest resources remains high to this date. The rights of communities, including Adat communities within and surrounding forests need to be respected by formulating and developing programs that promote sustainable utilization of forests and ecosystem services. Also, despite the significant contribution of agriculture and forestry towards Indonesia’s GDP, the majority of forest-dependent communities, including Adat Communities, are still poorer than the national average.
GGGI through Green Growth Program III (GGP3) 2021-2025 continues its support the to the Government of Indonesia to promote green growth including supporting more efficient and sustainable utilization of natural resources, less carbon intensive, and climate resilient economic development. The scoping analysis has shown that there are still challenges, especially in terms of access to funds in each stage of social forestry that hinder its progress to achieve its fullest potential of economic, social, and environmental benefits.
Scaling up green financing and enabling tools for sustainable landscape investments are crucial to achieving the country’s green objectives and targets. As a national environment financial institution, the Indonesia Environment Fund (IEF) has been established to support fundraising and fund disbursement, as well as a trustee for ten (10) line ministries, notably Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF). GGGI has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Indonesia Environment Fund (IEF) with one of the focused issues to be addressed is sustainable landscape, including institutional support for FOLU Net Sink 2030 and its Operational Plan.
To effectively operationalizing the institutional set up of the above cooperation between GGGI and IEF, GGGI seek consultant to support IEF in preparation and development of program under ID24 Project funding to IEF. The consultant will support IEF in determining program and activities, co-design concept note to be formulated in proposal presentation and two pager of executive summary ready to be shared and refined through multi-stakeholder coordination between GGGI and government counterparts.
GGGI will mobilize one (1) individual consultant on a deliverable contract basis. The objective of this assignment is to assist IEF in the program and service development under ID24 project, development of concept note, and guidelines on Investment Plan preparation. This assignment will include recommendations for improvement relevant rules and regulations in IEF to set up the institutional arrangement of the GGGI – IEF project of sustainable landscape investment partnership. The consultant will work closely with relevant IEF’s members and GGGI Green Investment team in the optimization of program and service design to fulfill the stakeholder requirements.
(1) The team:
For this task, the consultant will work with the GGGI Green Investment Team and Directorate Fund collection and development of IEF
(2) Task and approach:
(3) Duty station:
For this task, the consultant will be closely liaising with IEF Directorate Fund Collection and Development on daily basis. The consultant required to be stationed in IEF office following the arrangement set by IEF and GGGI.
The Individual Consultant must submit a countersigned Coversheet Form in which the Work Completion section was signed by the service requestor as the deliverable of each service.
Following are the deliverables of the Consultants, to be fixed upon signing of the contract:
No. | Output/Deliverable
Payment Terms | Percentage of
Maximum Amount |
1. | Inception Report including workplan
Outline of proposal presentation based upon analysis of concept note and related available documents, notably, matrix of background information, theory of change, logframe, budget etc. |
1 weeks of contract signing | 10% |
2. | – Proposal presentation for IEF program;
– Investment Plan outline |
30 October 2024 | 40% |
3. | – Two page executive summary;
– Contribution Agreement draft in liaise with IEF’s legal team |
30 November 2024 | 30% |
4. | – Recommendation of institutional set up for project including safeguard and risk management matrix;
– MoMs of coordination meeting of co-design project and Contribution Agreement |
31 December 2024 | 20% |
The Consultants may also be required to produce additional output(s) as deemed reasonably necessary by GGGI. The report shall be made in an agreeable language develop high-level resume/ summary in English.
GGGI will enter into a contract for the delivery of the work set out in these Terms of Reference. The skills and experience required of the adviser should include inter alia:
Other Competencies
In order to be considered for the position, a candidate shall be an Indonesia Citizen and must meet the minimum qualification. Consideration and selection will be based on a panel evaluation of the evaluation criteria factor below. Please note that only shortlisted/finalist applicants will be interviewed or contacted. GGGI does not pay for any expenses associated with the interviews unless expenses are pre-authorized. Reference checks will be conducted on those candidates selected for an interview. The applicant’s references must be able to provide substantive information about his/her past performance and abilities.
Interviews and a writing exercise may be requested. Applicants are required to prepare a brief narrative demonstrating how prior experience and/or education and training address selection criteria factors listed below:
Selection criteria factors listed below:
Maximum Points Available: 100
At GGGI’s discretion, reference checks and interviews may be conducted as part of the evaluation process. Applicants must also include in their application package as follows:
Names, current and accurate contract numbers (email and phone) of two professional references that have knowledge of the applicant’s abilities to perform the duties set forth in the solicitation. All the above information must be included in the application package for the package to be considered complete.
Child protection – GGGI is committed to child protection, irrespective of whether any specific area of work involves direct contact with children. GGGI’s Child Protection Policy is written in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.Notifications