The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page.
Kiribati, a founding member of GGGI, is a remote island-nation in the central Pacific Ocean that is acutely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Comprising 33 atolls and reef islands, Kiribati’s low-lying geography makes it particularly susceptible to rising sea levels, which threaten to inundate homes and vital infrastructure. Additionally, increased frequency and intensity of storms, coastal erosion, and saltwater intrusion into freshwater supplies pose severe challenges to the environment and people’s livelihoods. These environmental pressures compromise the nation’s food and water security and highlight the urgent need for global climate action to protect this fragile ecosystem and its people.
In Kiribati, GGGI is supporting the Environment Conservation Division (ECD) of the Kiribati Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agriculture Division (MELAD) to establish an Environment Fund. The activity is funded through New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s (MFAT) Low Emission, Climate Resilient Development (LECRD) programme. The LECRD programme aims to support Pacific Island countries (PICs) to transition to low-emission climate resilient development through assistance with long-term inclusive planning and decision-making.
The Government of Kiribati has long been interested in establishing an Environment Fund. Provisions were first made for an Environment Fund in its repealed 2007 Environment Act and again in its revised 2021 Environment Act.
Establishing an Environment Fund in Kiribati is expected to enable the government to address key policy targets, given the increased financial constraints and growing need to adapt and mitigate climate change at scale and in the longer run. Key areas of intervention may include but not limited to, the following:
To support the Government of Kiribati establish an Environment Fund, GGGI is currently undertaking a number of activities, in collaboration with the Government of Kiribati and in consultation with key stakeholders, to assess the enabling environment and condition for success for an Environment fund in Kiribati. A report summarizing all these findings on the enabling environment and conditions for success in Kiribati will be shared with the consultant at the start of the consultancy, alongside all the supporting information and data gathered and analysis conducted.
GGGI is also supporting the Government of Kiribati and key stakeholders in Kiribati to agree on what the Environment Fund’s objectives, operational principles and mandate will be. This is expected to be clarified and agreed by the start of this consultancy project and so will also be shared with the consultant at the start of the consultancy.
The objectives of the assignment are to provide the Environment Conservation Division (ECD) of the Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agriculture Division (MELAD) with the technical assistance and capacity building training needed to establish an Environment Fund in Kiribati.
In particular, the assignment will provide the Government of Kiribati with clear, evidence-based recommendations, based on extensive stakeholder consultation, on the best legal structure, governance structure and financial structural for an Environment Fund in Kiribati, taking into account the current legal, regulatory, financial and policy frameworks in place in Kiribati.
The proposed recommendations on the optimal legal, governance and financial structure for the Fund will be presented to the Government of Kiribati for approval. If the high-level recommendations are approved by the Government, a second consultancy assignment will be issued to develop the detailed policies, procedures and regulations for the Kiribati Environment Fund (KEF).
Development of High-level Recommendations for the establishment of a Kiribati Environment Fund (KEF)
The Consultant will be responsible for reviewing all findings GGGI shares with them on the enabling environment and conditions for success in Kiribati and will draw on these findings, alongside additional stakeholder consultation (which GGGI can help facilitate) and evidence gathering and analysis to develop:
The consultant is then required to combine all the recommendations into a single draft Recommendation Report and Power Point Presentation that should be given in-person at a stakeholder validation workshop GGGI will arrange in Kiribati[1].
The consultant should actively engage with key stakeholders at the workshop, as well as other stakeholders who have reviewed the recommendations, to record their feedback on the recommendations and, where necessary, further explain the recommendations and the reasons they are being recommended.
The consultant should then carefully review all feedback received, and where appropriate amend or alter recommendations and update the recommendation report to produce a Final Recommendations Report that will be submitted to the Government of Kiribati for approval of the recommendations.
Finally, the consultant should develop a Stakeholder consultation report which will detail all stakeholder engagements and summarize stakeholder feedback and how different stakeholders contributed to the development of the High-Level Recommendations. It will also detail efforts taken to build consensus and actively engage with and include women, youth and other marginalised groups in the development of the recommendations.
The Consultant is expected to deliver the following outputs and deliverables:
Output | Deliverables | Due Date | Payment schedule* |
High-level Recommendations for the establishment of an Environment Fund in Kiribati (KEF) | 1 Draft High-Level Recommendation Report and Power Point Presentation for the KEF. This should include:
4 weeks from signing the contract | 40% |
2 Final High-Level Recommendation Report that incorporates stakeholder feedback and revisions. | 6 weeks from signing the contract | – | |
3 Stakeholder Consultation Report summarizing feedback (with graphics) and efforts taken to build consensus and actively engage with and include women, youth and other marginalised groups during Task 1, and how different stakeholders contributed to the development of the High-Level Recommendations. | 6 weeks from the start date | 60% |
* Final payment will be made upon successful delivery of all 3 deliverables.
The Reporting Requirements
The Consultant should possess the following qualifications and experience:
Date to close is Korean Standard Time (KST). Cover Letter, and CV must be sent in English. Individual consultants are encouraged to apply.
[1] GGGI will cover flights, accommodations and reasonable expenses related to travel and stay in Kiribati for consultants that are not based in Kiribati.