Consultant for the creation of a harmonized methodology for participatory mapping of representative areas of Pool and Niari


for the creation of a harmonized methodology on participatory mapping of representative areas of Pool and Niari
WRI intends to award a fixed-price contract for the production of a harmonized methodology on participatory mapping of representative areas of the Pool and Niari departments. The approach will consist of analyzing and comparing the different existing methodologies before proposing one that will be harmonized and presented to the various stakeholders. Key deliverables will include detailed documents of the different participatory mapping methodologies, the harmonized methodology before field testing, a final version of the methodology, enriched on the basis of tests carried out in the Pool and Niari communities, the validated methodology and a final report on the entire process.
Submissions must be received by October 23, 2024. The proposed budget is between USD 12,000 and USD 15,000.
About the World Resources Institute
Founded in 1982, World Resources Institute (WRI) is an environmental think tank that goes beyond research to move ideas into action. We work with governments, businesses, and civil society to find solutions to pressing environmental challenges. WRI’s transformative ideas protect the earth and advance development because sustainability is essential to meeting human needs and aspirations for the future.
The foundation of our work is to provide high-quality research, data, maps, and analysis to solve the world’s biggest environmental and international development challenges and improve people’s lives. We work with leaders in government, business, and civil society to drive ambitious action and create change on the ground. Just as importantly, we convene partners to develop breakthrough ideas and solutions at scale for far-reaching, lasting impact.
About the project name
This consultancy is part of the CAFI PUDT project. The general objective is to analyze and compare the different existing methodologies on participatory mapping.
  • General context of the project
The Sustainable Land Use Program (PUDT) is supported by the Government of the Republic of Congo through its partnership with the Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI). The overall objective is to define a concerted process for rural land use planning, to support the implementation of the country’s economic diversification policy (PND- 2022-2026).
Diversifying sources of economic rent capture is the country’s priority (PND 2021-2026). This diversification will amplify the main direct causes of deforestation and degradation of Congolese forest resources, which are broad and shifting slash-and-burn agriculture, unsustainable production and consumption of wood energy, unsustainable and/or illegal logging and mining, and finally urban development. This amplification will increase the country’s climate vulnerability, which currently records, according to the NERF report, a deforested area estimated between 2016-2022 at 145,138 ha ± 22,188 ha (with a 90% confidence interval), corresponding to emissions of 81,309,120.9 tCO 2 eq ± 38.7% on the one hand.
On the other hand, increased vulnerability resulting from a degraded surface area between 2016-2022 estimated at 246,791 ha ± 81,064 ha (with a 90% confidence interval) corresponding to emissions of 25,779,438 ± 84.8 % t CO 2 eq.
The draft land use code would help to remedy the shortcomings of the current rules on land allocation and use by developing new provisions in an inclusive manner to promote the conservation of resources and their rational exploitation, for the benefit of the economy and rural populations.
Participatory mapping is one of the expected products under the Sustainable Land Use Program (PUDT), Product 2.4. Production of base maps for Pool and Niari, broken down into Activity 2.4.2. Participatory mapping of representative areas of Pool and Niari.
  • Cooperation between MATIER and WRI:
MATIER and the World Resources Institute (WRI) signed an agreement within the framework of the CAFI-PUDT project in July 2023, the main objective of which is to contribute to the development of a portal for land use planning, through capacity building actions, targeted research and mapping with some support for inter-institutional coordination .
As a partner, the World Resources Institute is responsible for proposing participatory mapping resulting from a harmonized methodology of the different existing maps and methods. Thus, WRI is seeking the services of a consultant to carry out participatory mapping studies of the representative areas of Pool and Niari until April 2025. The consultant will analyze and compare the different methodologies on participatory mapping, harmonize the methodology with the stakeholders (civil society, community leaders and executives of land affairs administrations, forestry economy, agriculture, environment and IGN), test the methodology in around ten communities in the Pool and Niari department. This harmonized methodology on participatory mapping will be enriched by several actors during a national workshop.
Reporting to the WRI Country Director for the Republic of Congo, the consultant’s main missions will be
  • Carry out a documentary analysis of the different methodologies on participatory mapping of village lands and territories and the identification of camps for local communities and indigenous populations;
  • Conduct consultations with the various structures working on participatory mapping in the Republic of Congo;
  • Help to develop a harmonized methodology on participatory mapping based on several existing methodologies and several contributions from experts from different structures (Administrations, CSOs, University, etc.)
The selected consultant will carry out the missions alongside the WRI team.
The consultant should plan to conduct a series of consultations with key experts across the region, particularly those with expertise, methodologies and knowledge in participatory mapping.

The expected deliverables are:

  • Detailed document on the analyses and comparisons of the different methodologies of participatory mapping of the territories of local communities and indigenous populations;
  • Report of the meetings of the group of experts from civil society, community leaders and executives from land administrations, forestry, agriculture, the environment and the IGN;
  • First version of the harmonized methodology on participatory mapping;
  • Second version of the methodology (enriched by several stakeholders during a national workshop);
  • Report of the field test of the harmonized methodology;
  • Final report detailing the process of carrying out the mission, expert opinions on the Methodology, recommendations for its improvement, the list of relevant documents, the list of people met, and any other relevant information;
  • Final and validated version of the methodology on participatory mapping.
The consultancy duration is six (6) months with a probable start date scheduled for January 1,2025. Deliverables are expected no later than June 30, 2025. The candidate must present a schedule of activities with the launch date, milestones, deliverables and completion date.


The anticipated budget for this RFP is between USD 12,000 and USD 15,000. WRI is firmly committed to value for money in all aspects of its work. However, we recognize the importance of this initiative and are willing to negotiate with potential partners if there is a strong case for additional financial resources.
  • Prices must be valid for ninety (90) days.
  • A budget proposal with sufficient cost breakdown to assess its reasonableness.
  • Please also include a payment schedule linking amounts to milestones of work.
  • Provide pricing for all applicable costs associated with this RFP. An estimate of the number of days required to complete the activities must be provided by the consultant in the proposal and must be included in the estimate. However, once the budget is approved, payment for the service will be based on the delivery of the deliverables and not on the number of days actually worked. All expenses (equipment, materials, supplies, consumables, insurance, travel expenses, etc.) required to complete the proposal must be included in the budget.
The selected supplier consultant will be able to demonstrate its ability to perform similar work, including:
  • Criterion 1: Minimum 5 years’ experience in carrying out participatory mapping work;
  • Criterion 2: Experience in the field of land governance, with a focus on promoting the rights of CLPAs;
  • Criterion 3 : Degree in social science (anthropology, forestry, rural sociology, rural economics or other relevant field);
  • Criterion 4 : Good understanding and/or use of cartographic data for securing land rights;
  • Criterion 5 : Demonstrated ability to coordinate stakeholder consultations at national and local levels.
Content of the proposal
The consultant must submit:
A technical and financial offer which is as follows:
  • A statement of interest describing the understanding of the expected mission, the proposed team (if several consultants) and how it meets the requirements (Criteria) above;
  • The CV or CVs of the team members;
  • Examples and references of similar previous work;
  • An overview of the proposed methodology and work plan;
  • A description of how the work and/or organization is sustainable
  • A budget proposal with sufficient cost breakdown to assess reasonableness and compliance with our funders’ requirements. The template below in Appendix 1 is to be considered for budget submission. Please also include a competitive payment schedule linking amounts to work milestones.
Expression of Interest, Deadline for Questions and Proposal
All expressions of interest and questions regarding this RFP must be received by email to the contacts below no later than October 23, 2024 at 23:59 Brazzaville time. Responses to questions will be shared with all parties who have asked questions or expressed interest.
My name is Jean Bakouma
Title Country Director
Evaluation criteria
The following will be the primary factors to be considered in the evaluation of all proposals submitted in response to this Request for Proposal (RFP):
  • Completion of all required elements;
  • The extent to which the supplier, organization, consultant, etc. proposal meets the requirements set out by the WRI as stated in the RFP;
  • Experience with similar projects;
  • Overall cost of supplier/organization/consultant etc. proposal;
  • Exclusion and Sanctions – WRI will not consider proposals from vendors/organizations/consultants, etc. that are currently debarred by the U.S. government or named on restricted party lists;
  • Sustainability – The WRI values ​​sustainability and, all things being equal, will favour a proposal to carry out the work in a more sustainable manner.
  • Equity – At World Resources Institute, we strive for an inclusive supply chain. We believe that the environmental and international development communities are strengthened by providing equal opportunities to businesses owned by LGBTQ+ communities, women, Indigenous peoples, racialized groups, and people with disabilities – and it is important to WRI to partner with organizations that share these values. Please describe how your organization would take an equity-focused approach to the need you propose to help us fill and how you integrate equity, diversity, and inclusion into your staffing, board leadership, and programs.
The consultant offering the best overall value will be selected. For this market, the technical aspects are considered at 70% and 30% for the financial offer.
Selection process
No proposal development costs will be charged to WRI, all costs must be borne by the bidders. WRI may award to the bidder offering the best value without discussion. However, WRI reserves the right to seek clarification from bidders and negotiate with bidders deemed to be within a competitive range.
WRI may, at its discretion and without explanation to potential suppliers/organizations/consultants, etc., choose to discontinue this RFP without obligation to such potential suppliers/organizations/consultants, etc. or to award multiple awards under this RFP. Contracts will not be awarded to suppliers/organizations/consultants, etc., prohibited by the Congolese/U.S. government or named on restricted party lists.


Title of the call for tenders
Name of seller/contractor
Instructions :
[enter currency here]
(i.e. days, hours, etc.)”
Unit Rate/Cost
Numbre d’Unites
Working time
example Program Director (daily rate)
project coordinator example (effort report)
Supplies and materials
Contractual services to third parties
Example Contract with a local consultant
Local consultant hired to conduct land surveys
Publication/Cout de Communication
For example, revising texts
Review of two 5,000-word working papers, 10 hours each.
For example, the translation
Translation of two working papers (5,000 words each) from English into Spanish
For example, printing
Two 20-page reports, 100 copies each. The printer charges $440 for 100 copies of a 20-page report.
Travel & Per Diem
For example, the price of the plane ticket: Washington, DC – Bogota, Colombia
Two round trip tickets DCA-BOG
For example Meals and incidentals: Bogota, Colombia
M&IE at $96 per day x 5 days x 2 people (US State Department rates)
For example Accommodation: Bogota, Colombia
Accommodation at $270 per night x 4 nights x 2 people (US State Department rates)
This job has expired.