Analysis of WIPO 2024 Gender Equality Marker entries

  • Location:
  • Salary:
    negotiable / YEAR
  • Job type:
  • Posted:
    3 weeks ago
  • Category:
    Gender and Diversity, Social and Inclusive Development
  • Deadline:


Title of Assignment: Analysis of WIPO 2024 Gender Equality Marker entries

Name of unit/sector: Employee Experience Unit, HRMD

Place of Assignment: Remote working

Expected places of travel (if applicable): N/A

Expected duration of assignment: from 15 October 2024 to 20 December 2024

1. Context 


In 2023, WIPO introduced the new Gender Equality Marker (GEM) into its new enterprise planning system WePerform. The Gender Equality Marker helps organizations track how activities contribute to Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (GEEW), and on the financial resources invested to this end. The GEM is based on the 4 point scale used across the UN system and endorsed by the Finance and Budget Network.
A short guidance document was prepared in 2023 to support colleagues to fill in the gender marker data. The document includes guiding questions and marking tips.
GEM data was harvested for the first time in 2024.

To prepare for the upcoming 2025 workplan cycle and the 2026/27 biennial planning exercise, WIPO is looking to gather insights on the GEM data in order to improve, on one side, the guidance it provides and, on the other side, data accuracy.

2. Objectives 

WIPO seeks the support of an external consultant to carry out an analysis, both quantitative and qualitative, of a sample of the GEM data inputted in WePerform against the 2024 workplans.
The analysis will include a detailed assessment of a sample of entries (approximately 600), some of which are accompanied by a substantive rationale. The entries are short in nature and mainly include the title of the activity. The substantive rationale, where present, is no longer than a couple of sentences.
The analysis must include qualitative and quantitative insights on elements such as:
– Coding accuracy: Rate of code accuracy based on the workplan activity’s description.
– Quality of Gender Marker Comments: Rate of GEM entries with substantive rationale, and their distribution by sector and GEEW activity type. Quality of the substantive rationale provided and effectiveness in improving coding accuracy.
– Typology: Codes distribution by type of GEEW activity, by sector.

The analysis should include case studies that reflect:
– Good practices: workplan activities with correct coding that can be used as examples;
– Opportunities for learning: workplan activities with incorrect coding that can be used as practice cases to demonstrate how a correct code can be applied.

The analysis should also present recommendations on how to improve the existing coding guidance for better compliance and overall data quality.


3. Deliverables 

Working under the guidance of the Gender and Diversity Specialist, the consultant will deliver the following:

1) A report including quantitative and qualitative insights on coding accuracy, quality of the data inputted and typology. The report will include a detailed assessment of a sample of entries (approximately 600, provided in Excel) and their corresponding substantive rationale.
The findings should be disaggregated by sector, as a minimum, with other dimensions to be added as relevant.

2) Revised GEM coding guidance. The Guidance should include:
i. A user-friendly checklist to guide WIPO employees during tagging;
ii. Case studies and examples based on the current level of understanding of gender analysis principles within WIPO.
4.  Profile of the consultant 

– At least seven years of relevant professional experience in the field of gender analysis, gender mainstreaming in programming, gender-based budgeting or related subject.
– Familiarity with the gender equality marker system as applied within the UN system.
– Experience in developing products to facilitate understanding of gender mainstreaming, and its tools and methods to audiences with minimal understanding of gender equality programming principles.
– Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English.
– Strong analytical skills, both quantitative and qualitative.
– Ability to present complex information in a clear, effective and impactful manner, drawing on different communication methods to influence clients, partners and other stakeholders.
– Knowledge of/willingness to pick up basic knowledge about WIPO, its mandate and areas of work.


5. Applications

Interested candidates should attach to their application a financial estimate indicating the expected remuneration (either lump sum or number of days and daily rate in CHF) for each of the two deliverables.

This job has expired.