Duties and Responsibilities
Background & Context The African continent is endowed with rich biodiversity resources both fauna and flora; it contains an estimated onefifth of all known species of mammals, birds, and plants. Home to 8 of the 34 biodiversity “hotspots” in the world and to 1,220 important bird habitats (AMCEN 2019). These biodiversity resources play a critical role in Africa’s socioeconomic development and livelihoods, where most economies largely depend on agriculture, forests, water resources, ecosystems, and ecosystem services. African ecosystems supply multiple ecosystem services required to meet human needs and sustain livelihoods, while regulating diseases and climatic systems, supporting soil formation, and providing suitable wildlife habitats for naturebased tourism. Notwithstanding the potential and great opportunities biodiversity provides, Africa’s biodiversity and ecosystems are progressively being eroded at an alarming rate due to population growth, extensive agricultural practices, rapid urbanization, infrastructure development, unsustainable extraction of resources, illicit trafficking, and armed conflict among others. In addition, policy frameworks and decisionmaking processes often undervalue the true cost of nature and biodiversity and its direct and indirect contribution to the GDP of countries. It is estimated that the overexploitation and degradation of the biodiversity ecosystems will cause a 50% loss of Africa’s bird and mammal species, 2030% of lake productivity and decline of wildlife and fisheries by the end of this century (UNEPWCMC, 2016). Besides excessive demand of biodiversity resources to meet development and human needs of the continent, the biodiversity loss is further exacerbated by excessive pollution of land and water resources with toxic chemicals, plastics and heavy metals that are detrimental to wildlife and integrity of Africa’s ecosystems. The threat to Africa’s biodiversity is compounded further by climate change induced wildlife, habitat, and ecosystem loss from extreme events of floods and prolonged droughts. If the loss of biodiversity continues unabated, it will undermine African countries efforts to achieve goals and objectives of the Agenda 2063 as well as the UNSustainable Development Goals by 2030, in particular SDG 14, Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources and SDG 15, which aims at sustainably managing forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation and biodiversity loss. Consequently, African countries now recognise the critical value of biodiversity in sustaining economic growth while safeguarding development needs of future generations and are committed to protecting biodiversity and ecosystems from deterioration including through mainstreaming natural capital accounting in policy, plans and programmes across Africa. Accordingly, the continent remains steadfast in seeking a post2020 Global Biodiversity Framework that will reduce and reverse biodiversity loss by the year 2030, in line with the AU Agenda 2063 goal for “an Environmentally sustainable climate and resilient economies and communities that aims to put in place measures to sustainably manage the continent’s rich biodiversity, forests, land and waters and using mainly adaptive measures to address climate change risks”. Objectives of the Assignment The objective of this consultancy is to support the work of the African Union Commission (AUthrough the Directorate of Sustainable Environment and Blue Economy (SEBto strengthen Africa’s commitment to Conserving Africa’s biodiversity. Hence, AUC in collaboration with the UNEconomic Commission for Africa (UNEC, have secured funds from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDto strengthen capacity and coordination functions of the Commission, and support the African Group of Negotiators on the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBin Advancing Africa’s Biodiversity Agenda in the pre and post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GB. The Scope of Work The Consultant will primarily be responsible for providing technical support pertaining to the work of the Directorate of Sustainable Environment and Blue Economy, and in particular the Biodiversity, Forestry and Wildlife Unit to ensure effective implementation of the biodiversity programme including among others organizing and facilitation of meetings and workshops. UNECA, as the fund manager, is seeking the services of a Programme Support Expert with biodiversity, forestry and/ or natural resources management knowledge to work with Directorate of Sustainable Environment and Blue Economy.S/he will work to ensure effective implementation of the biodiversity programme which includes: (Coordinating the support to the AGN on Biodiversity and build their capacity to promote the African priorities in the global negotiations from an informed African Common Position; (iFacilitate the implementation of the pre and post 2020 GBF; (iiMainstreaming of Natural Capital Accounting in policy and decisionmaking processes; (iCoordinate and facilitate the implementation of the AU Green Recovery Action Plan at National and Regional levels. Duties and Responsibilities of the Programme Support Expert In particular, the Expert will make sure the planning, reporting, implementation and monitoring of project activities and outputs is done in a timely manner. S/he will also ensure compliance with all relevant project commitments including delivery of quality reports and compliance with performance indicators. The Programme Support Expert will work under the direct supervision of the Director, Sustainable Environment and Blue Economy on a daytoday basis, liaise and develop close coordination with key programme stakeholders including UNECA and relevant Departments of the AUC, to articulate, complement and monitor the programme’s implementation. Progress reports will also be submitted to the Director, Climate Change, Food Security & Natural Resource Management Division (CFN, through the Senior Natural Resources Officer, African Climate Policy Centre (ACPat UNECA on key deliverables. MAIN DUTIES Under the direct supervision of the Director for Sustainable Environment and Blue Economy or his delegated authority, the Programme Support Expert will:• Support the overall functions of the Commission in coordination, advocacy and partnership building for biodiversity, forestry and wildlife management; • Support the Commission in strengthening AU Member States capacity to implement their national obligations under the CBD Convention, the Africa Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan and the Sustainable Forest Management Framework; • Provide technical support in the implementation of Pillar 3 of the AU Green Recovery Action Plan (AUGRA• Provide technical input into the work of the Commission to support the African Group of Negotiators on the Convention on Biological Diversity; • Support the development of a Natural Capital Accounting Framework for adoption and implementation by member States to enhance biodiversity conservation; • Promote sustainable land management and land restoration programmes and activities; • Provide technical input in the development of work programmes, budgets and reports; • Provide technical input in the development of a Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting framework for the Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan; • Contribute to resource mobilization activities for the Programme; • Facilitate the organization of meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences; To liaise with relevant sectors, units and programmes of the AU Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment and other departments across the AUC, as well as with the UNECA Division of Climate Change, Food Security & Natural Resource Management Division as appropriate.
Qualifications/special skills
Master’s degree in Biodiversity, Ecology, Forestry, Environmental Studies, Natural Resources Management, or a closely related field. A first university degree with a relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree. At least Seven (7) years of professional experience at specialist/ expert level in the field of forestry, ecosystem management, biodiversity, or natural resource management involving programme management, policy development and supporting member states on biodiversity and forestry issues. Experience at Regional Economic Community, African Union or UN Agencies is critical.