The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world’s largest humanitarian organization, with a network of 191-member National Societies. The overall aim of the IFRC is “to inspire, encourage, facilitate, and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by National Societies with a view to preventing and alleviating human suffering and thereby contributing to the maintenance and promotion of human dignity and peace in the world.” The IFRC works to meet the needs and improve the lives of vulnerable people before, during and after disasters, health emergencies and other crises.
The IFRC is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (the Movement), together with its member National Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The work of the IFRC is guided by the following fundamental principles: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality. At Geneva level, the Health and Care Department’s (HCD) New Strategic Direction 2023 focuses on Health Systems Strengthening and WASH Systems Strengthening through four pillars: Global Health Security, Global Health Protection (UHC), Global WASH Services and Transformative Partnership.
The Global Health Protection (UHC) pillar houses and chairs the Alliance for Malaria Prevention (AMP), a partnership of more than 40 organizations, including government, private sector, faith-based and humanitarian organizations, focused on three main activities: (1) coordination of partners involved in insecticide-treated net (ITN) campaign and continuous distribution activities; (2) development of operational guidance for planning and implementing of ITN distribution based on an iterative process; and (3) providing technical assistance to national malaria programmes and partners based on requests. AMP’s activities support achievement of the WHO Global Technical Strategy (GTS) targets for high coverage and use of ITNs. AMP is a workstream within the RBM Partnership to End Malaria. Harnessing the global leadership and management systems of IFRC, AMP is uniquely positioned to support and advance country-level efforts to optimize ITN distribution and ensure that the right nets reach the right people at the right time through both campaign and continuous distribution channels.
In 2020, IFRC/AMP was awarded a three-year grant by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to identify ways to improve operational efficiency for ITN campaigns and develop associated operational guidance for national malaria programmes and partners. AMP’s work under this grant provided key lessons learned and practical guidance for improving the implementation of ITN distribution through multiple channels. In 2023, a new grant was awarded to IFRC/AMP by BMGF focused on optimizing ITN access in the face of limited resources for the fight against malaria. In this grant, AMP will focus on implementing activities across five workstreams designed to address identified gaps. The primary objectives are to enhance data utilization for informed decision-making and to leverage digital tools for optimization of ITN campaigns. These workstreams ultimately aim to reduce the malaria burden through effective malaria prevention with ITNs.
The overall objective of this consultancy is to support the AMP partnership in ensuring that high-quality, timely information and technical assistance is available for national malaria programmes and implementing partners transitioning to digital tools for data collection for ITN distribution and to support AMP’s broader efforts to track and support national malaria programme progress towards improved efficiency through digitalization.
Deliverables overview
Alignment to the IFRC’s Strategy 2030
The Alliance for Malaria Prevention’s mandate aligns to the Federation’s Strategy 2030 as it supports the achievement of strategic aims:
Project objectives and outcomes:
Objective #1: Optimizing malaria prevention with ITNs through mass distribution campaigns and continuous distribution channels.
Desired outcomes: To address inefficiencies in planning and implementation of mass ITN distribution campaigns through timely deployment of digital tools for data collection and to better understand best practices for the digital transition for future campaigns.
Support to be provided to the consultant
The consultant will be supported by the Manager – Malaria Programmes, Officer, AMP Coordination, Senior Officer, OPITACA.
Time allocation, for budget purposes
This consultancy is for 35 billable working days.
The consultancy timeframe will be from 30th October 2024 to 15th October 2025.
Application Instructions