Job Summary
RTI International’s Center for Official Statistics (COS) seeks an early career statistician with R and SAS skills to work on projects across a variety of domains, such as public health, health care, education, and social science, as well as survey statistics and statistical research. COS statisticians lead and support projects, which are often surveys for federal clients, and they conduct cutting-edge research in survey and sample design, weighting, imputation, modeling, and statistical analysis. COS is in RTI’s Analytics Practice Area, which comprises a collaborative, diverse group of researchers with backgrounds including statistics, data science, informatics, and genomics. This position requires the ability to work independently and as a member of a team to deliver high quality work. A successful candidate will enjoy statistical programming, problem-solving, and be highly detail oriented. This position involves learning about RTI’s business development and proposal process. Employees will have opportunities to grow their scientific stature through conference presentations and scientific publishing. Eighty to ninety percent of daily work is at a computer, and the remainder of the position-time would be in project planning meetings and conference calls.
Desired Qualifications