The sharing of skills and creating capacity development opportunities is expected in the approach to this work. It is also expected that the work will draw on existing education data systems, tools and capacities in both countries and at Pacific regional level.
Each country has a specific emphasis as outlined below, with the overall objective of this consultancy to strengthen data systems in order to support evidenced-based decisions in education and accountability and transparency with stakeholders.
For Kiribati:
Data Management
Capacity Development
System Development
Data Reporting
For Tuvalu:
The drafting, validation and finalization of a fully consulted Data and EMIS policy to support the data collection through reporting cycle and strengthen the use of data in decision making.
Master’s degree in education or statistics or other relevant field with at least 7 years of relevant experience is preferred although other relevant qualifications with specific education data experience in the Pacific would be considered. Experience must include:
Level of Education: Postgraduate Degree
Work Hours: 8
Experience in Months: 84