UNEP : National Lead Coordinator – Paris

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    negotiable / YEAR
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    1 day ago
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Result of Service
In general, the National Lead Coordinator will work in contact with the Project Coordinator in UNEP CCC, who will supervise technically and follow up on the compliance with the deliverables and the supporting tasks included in the workplan. Those deliverables will be reviewed and approved within a period of no more than 5 days, after their receipt by the Project Coordinator. In all cases, the delivera-bles are considered completed after the review and approval of the Project Coordinator of UNEP-CCC. The tasks for this role include leading the work and/or supporting technical experts in delivering the activities described in the section 3 “workplan”.
Work Location
Home-based, Kyrgyz Republic
Expected duration
8 months
Duties and Responsibilities
The Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) was established in 2015 at the COP that adopted the Paris Agreement to support the implementation of the Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework. ICAT provides countries with tailored support and practical tools and methodologies to build robust transparency frameworks needed for effective climate action in sync with national devel-opment priorities. The projects ICAT supports relate to: building or enhancing transparency frame-works for mitigation; building a monitoring and evaluation approach for adaptation; building or en-hancing frameworks to track progress in implementing nationally determined contributions; assessing the impacts of climate policies; estimating or enhancing projections of greenhouse gases; integrating and/or aggregating climate actions at the subnational level and for non-State actors; building a track-ing system for just transition processes; establishing or enhancing a climate data system; and putting in place a framework to track climate finance. ICAT is an unincorporated multi-stakeholder partnership steered by the Donor Steering Committee (DSC), conformed by its donors, Austria; Canada; Germany; Italy; the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF); and ClimateWorks Foundation (CWF), and includes the UNFCCC Secretariat as the dedicated UN body with a climate change policy mandate, and UNOPS as an ex-officio member. The Initiative is managed by UNOPS on behalf of the DSC. Within UNOPS, the ICAT Secretariat manages ICAT day-to-day activities, coordinating and guiding the work of the implementing partners. To address Kyrgyz Republic´s needs and, to support the country´s initiatives to track the implementa-tion of its NDC´s and the achievement of climate targets, Kyrgyz Republic is engaging with the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) through its international implementing partners, UNEP Copen-hagen Climate Centre (UNEPCCC). Through this collaboration, Kyrgyz Republic is expecting to get sup-port on the development of country – tailored tools and frameworks to measure and project desirable GHG impacts from climate interventions, planned in their NDC. It is expected to improve monitoring, tracking and reporting arrangements on the implementation of its NDC´s and the achievements of cli-mate targets, which would help Kyrgyz Republic to meet the enhanced transparency requirements of the Paris Agreement. Following the country´s sectorial priorities, the ICAT project will focus on the En-ergy sector and the transport as a sub-sector. The overall objective is to support the Kyrgyz Republic to plan, measure, manage and track the imple-mentation of its NDC mitigation actions and expected GHG impacts, by putting in place frameworks for emissions projections of selected interventions, impact assessment and a regular data collection, tracking and management framework for the NDC. This will include those needed to project GHG emissions/removals, assess the impact of relevant policies and measures, and develop appropriate indicators for reporting on progress achieved. The ICAT in the Kyrgyz Republic will: 1. Development of a Framework for projections of emissions in the Energy sector 2. Impact assessment of selected policies and measures in the Energy sector 3. Development of an NDC tracking framework for the energy sector, as well as 4. Recommendations for AFOLU sector on the above. For the ICAT implementation in the Kyrgyz republic, a National Lead Coordinator is required, for work-ing in close collaboration with the with other national technical experts, in order to ensure the appro-priate implementation of the activities and submissions of outputs and result indicated in the work plan of the project. The overall task is to support the entire ICAT process – ranging from engaging and coordinating with national authorities and other key stakeholders. In consistence with the ICAT objec-tives, the National Lead Coordinator will be responsible for providing the national ICAT technical ex-perts with general advisory on the process and degree of technical assistance needed for delivering the required outputs responding to the overall and specific objectives of the ICAT and in fulfilment of the workplan´s timeline. For the coordination work, the National Lead Coordinator will apply a participatory approach, involv-ing a wide range of stakeholders while ensuring a multi-disciplinary scope, covering all relevant aspects concerning the sectorial and sub sectorial focus of this ICAT. Moreover, the National Lead Coordinator will facilitate the tasks of communication and coordination between the ICAT technical experts, na-tional and other key stakeholders, including the required coordination and communication to ensure a timely submission of deliverables according to the ICAT workplan, assuring the quality of products de-livered by the technical experts and in drafting and editing planned reports in the framework of the project. The National Lead Coordinator will work in contact with the Project Coordinator in UNEP CCC, who will supervise technically and follow up on the compliance with the deliverables and the supporting tasks included. Those deliverables will be reviewed and certified within a period of no more than 5 days, after their receipt by the Project Coordinator. In all cases, the deliverables are considered completed after the review and approval of the Project Coordinator of UNEP-CCC. Outcome 1: A Framework for projections of emissions and key NDC tracking indicators in the selected sectors is developed and implemented Output 1.1: a. Inception phase: Undertake a stocktaking exercise to determine: 1) The current status of data collection, data sources, what institutional arrangements are relevant, and key priori-ties for: the MRV system, projections and NDC tracking in the selected sectors. 2) Needs and gaps for effective compilation of the national inventory reports for the selected sec-tors. and 3) Present the scoping report and objectives of the project at the inception workshop. b. Inception workshop Output 1.2: Modelling tool(s) for the selected sectors are identified and training has been provid-ed a. Present the various projection modelling tools (e.g. GACMO, ALU) including their scope and functionality in the national context. (Workshop) b. Conduct a workshop with experts to select the modelling tool that is most appropriate in the national context. c. Conduct a training workshop on the selected tool. Output 1.3: Data collection and processing to prepare projection of GHG emissions for the se-lected sectors a. Draft report on data collection and management improvement recommendations Outcome 2: The impacts of the selected policies and measures have been assessed Output 2.1: GHG Impact assessment of mitigation policies and measures in selected sectors a. Conduct a Training Workshop on the Assessment(s) of the policy impacts on GHG emissions/removals, using selected ICAT methodologies (e.g. Renewable Energy, Transport Pricing, Forestry, Buildings Efficiency, Agriculture), to build scenarios, including a) Identify policies for assessment; b) Develop causal chains for each policy; c) Identi-fy with and without policy scenarios for evaluation of GHG impacts; d) Quantify policy im-pacts; e) Identify policy impact indicators and develop technical guidance for tracking them b. Conduct assessment(s) of the policy impacts on GHG emissions/removals, using select-ed ICAT methodologies (a,b,c,d,e); f) Draft report of methods, data used, and results of policy impact assessment; and g) Develop recommendations for including indicators into the NDC Tracking Framework c. Validation workshop Outcome 3: NDC tracking framework for the selected sectors has been developed Output 3.1: Development of NDC tracking indicators for selected sectors a. Identify indicators to track progress towards the implementation and achievement of Kyrgyzstan NDC targets under Article 4 aligned with the requirements of the CMP decision 18/CMA.1. b. Workshop to engage relevant ministries and agencies, assess the availability of relevant data, data gaps, and existing institutional arrangements for collecting them. c. Involving relevant ministries and agencies, assess the availability of relevant data, data gaps, and existing institutional arrangements for collecting them. d. Present the draft set of indicators to the stakeholders for feedback and comments. e. In consultation with the technical experts select NDC tracking tool (e.g. GACMO) or de-velop the calculation template to be used as the NDC tracking tool Output 3.2 : Providing Training on the NDC tracking tool for selected sectors a. Train experts and other stakeholders from relevant ministries and agencies on the appli-cation of a tool. The aim of the training is to introduce the tool, including its scope and functionality in the national context, and appoint data champions that will use the tool in various agencies and institutions. Output 3.3: Adaptation of the tool to the national context a. Define and validate input parameters required for the model to be applied in the national context. Output 3.4: Arrangements for NDC tracking framework a. Finalise the indicator set and integrate them into the NDC tracking framework. b. Develop the data protocols for data collection, processing, and QA/QC procedures, roadmap for addressing data gaps. Output 3.5: Validation and closure a. Identify lessons learned and key achievements. b. Prepare communication material c. Conduct a validation workshop. In close collaboration with the rest of the national ICAT team, the ICAT National Lead Coordinator will be responsible for delivering: • Deliverable 1: Diagnosis/Scoping report containing the scope in activity 1 • Deliverable 2: Brief report from the inception workshop highlighting the inputs from partic-ipants • Deliverable 3: Detailed work plan for the ICAT project • Deliverable 4: Training workshop on the selected Modelling tool, with possible sectoral breakout sessions • Deliverable 5: Reports of projections of GHG emissions for selected sectors • Deliverable 6: Report on the Methodology for developing projections of GHG emissions and removals for selected sectors • Deliverable 7: Validation Workshop and report • Deliverable 8: Reports P&M impact assessment for selected sectors • Deliverable 9: Validation Workshop including the report • Deliverable 10: Reports on NDC tracking indicators and data gaps for selected sectors • Deliverable 11: Report on the selection process and result for the NDC tracking tool • Deliverable 12: NDC tracking tool training workshop including report • Deliverable 13: Report on the description (definition and validation) of data requirements and parameters for the NDC tracking tool set up • Deliverable 14: Report on NDC tracking indicators • Deliverable 15: Validation Workshop • Deliverable 16: Report presenting the overarching institutional arrangements • Deliverable 17: Report summarizing lessons learned and key achievements of the project • Deliverable 18: Validation workshop report highlighting the inputs and comments from participants.
Qualifications/special skills
Proven working experience in climate/environment protection minimum 5 years o Advance university degree (Master’s or equivalent), preferably in the natural and social sciences o A Bachelor degree with a relevant combination of two years of additional experi-ence related to the position may be accepted in lieu of an advanced university degree o proven working experience in climate/environment protection minimum 5 years o proven experience project/team management minimum 10 years, o proven experience of working in collaborating with public sector and governmen-tal agencies, engagement with NDC development
Not available.
Additional Information
Not available.
No Fee

Level of Education: Bachelor Degree

Work Hours: 8

Experience in Months: No requirements