As a Senior Public Sector Specialist (Trade, Industry and Tourism), you will: oversee the formulation and articulation of public sector policy and strategies and public management issues, engage Developing Member Country (DMC) governments in policy dialogue, and undertake ADB’s activities to support sector policy reforms and projects particularly in trade and logistics, industry and tourism domain. You will lead in identifying, developing, processing, implementing, and administering loans, grants, technical assistance (TA) projects, and provide relevant stakeholders with necessary technical support and knowledge for projects.
You may be designated to lead the portfolio management and be responsible for project reviews to ensure effective implementation, attainment of project and sector/subsector results, and development impact. You will provide oversight and guidance to project teams, specifically in areas of project implementation and development effectiveness, in designing, and processing of loans, grants, TA projects.
You will:
- Support the strategic and operational development of the PSMG sector covering all major aspects related to project identification, preparation, appraisal, and documentation on public sector management, including but not limited to trade facilitation, upstream work for industry and private sector development, logistics development, tourism development, economic and industrial corridor development, industrial estate/park development, global value chains, and regional integration. and generation of private resources for investment opportunities in consultation with relevant government agencies, and resident missions (RMs). Lead or contribute to strategic planning, identify and develop core expertise in emerging areas, and solutions delivery to internal and external stakeholders.
- Assist teams and colleagues in adapting to the cultural and business norms of diverse clients and country situations, and mentor colleagues in the design and delivery of policy-based programs and other projects.
- Lead dialogue with government officials and other stakeholders to improve public sector management and enhance government capacity while managing debt and creating more opportunities for private sector investment. Lead the development, processing and administration of loan and TA projects in public sector management for governments at all levels in ADB DMCs.
- In this regard, take the role of mission leader and supervise the work of mission members.
- Participate in country teams and provide or peer review inputs for Country Partnership Strategies (CPSs), Indicative Country Pipeline Monitoring (ICPM), and updates. Participate in interdepartmental working groups on public sector management issues.
- Coordinate with other sectors and departments within ADB for OneADB collaboration to improve development impact.
- Coordinate with other development partners and international agencies for operational synergies to improve assessments and development impact.
- Lead in the review of portfolio performance and preparation of initiatives to promote project quality and improve portfolio performance. Lead in providing guidance and advice in identification.
- Lead and implementation of actions items needed to resolve implementation issues and problems.
- Effectively handle closure of projects and completion processes and reports, and conduct consultations with governments on results and lessons learned.
- Substantially contribute to activities for advocacy, training, dissemination and knowledge building around trade and logistics, industry and tourism domain within public sector management. Promote innovation and more effective ways for addressing key development constraints in ADB DMCs, including use of modern technology, cross-country learnings and best practices, and knowledge solutions.
- Supervise the performance of reporting staff, providing clear direction and regular monitoring and feedback on performance. Ensure the ongoing learning and development of reporting staff.
You will need:
- Master’s degree, or equivalent, in Economics, Management, Foreign Trade and Commerce, Public Policy or other related field; or University degree and at least 5 years of relevant work experience may be considered.
- At least 10 years of relevant professional experience in one or more of the following: trade facilitation, upstream work for industry and private sector development, logistics development, tourism development, economic and industrial corridor development, industrial estate/ park development, global value chains, and regional integration.
- International experience working in several countries.
- Broad experience in the preparation of projects and analysis of relevant policies, including knowledge on procurement and consultant recruitment.
- Demonstrated team leadership or managerial skills and experience leading professionals, teams, and missions for technical matters and projects processing/implementation.
- Significant expertise within a specific area of ADB’s operations (economic, sector or thematic), or breadth across multiple areas with in-depth knowledge within one area.
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.
- Please refer to the link for ADB Competency Framework for Technical International Staff grade TI2.