WRI Consultant 2024 International Jobs



World Resources Institute Consultant Democratic Republic of the Congo WRI Jobs 2024

World Resources Institute looking for “Consultant”. Applicants with an Advanced degree may apply on or before 10-Jul-24.

The World Resources Institute has published a job vacancy announcement on 28/06/2024 for qualified applicants to fill in the vacant post of Consultant to be based in Bukavu , Democratic Republic of the Congo. For more jobs, please visit https://unjoblink.org

Company Name: World Resources Institute

Job Title: Consultant

Duty Station: Bukavu , Democratic Republic of the Congo

Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo

Application Deadline: 10-Jul-24



Title: Consultancy to restore the micro-catchment of Ruzizi I hydropower dam and to stabilize rivers and gullies banks within Bukavu City.


Open to: Local Associations and/or Non-Government Environmental Organizations.

  1. Background

The Ruzizi Basin is both host to a rich diversity of threatened and endangered species, and the lynchpin for economic growth opportunities in the region. For instance, it serves as a critical supplier of hydropower to the Eastern DRC, Burundi, and Rwanda with the potential to generate over 500 megawatts of electricity. The Ruzizi Basin, holds great promise for large-scale restoration as NBS interventions have the potential to have an outsized impact on Africa’s rainfall patterns critical for food and water security and more immediately for the 11 million local Ruzizi Basin residents whose livelihoods rely on the health and well-being of the Basin.


Despite this importance, the proliferation of informal settlements on steep slopes has drastically reduced open and green spaces within city boundaries and increased the density of impervious surface areas. The loss of vegetation has subsequently contributed to a high volume of runoff, polluting the waters with sediment and trash. Furthermore, the loss of vegetation in these areas has increased urban heat island effect, which has consequences for human health, economic productivity, energy use, and social connectivity. A high rate of deforestation for biomass energy production (charcoal) and unsustainable agricultural practices on steep slopes in the peri-urban areas have contributed to recurring flooding and landslides. These disasters have caused loss of life and significant economic damage. Landslides and soil erosion contribute to the siltation of the Ruzizi River and the hydropower dams that it hosts. Due to a serious lack of basic infrastructure in these settlements, there are significant water and sanitation concerns for untreated waste, limited access to clean drinking water, and significant air pollution.


Thanks to the financial support from Caterpillar Foundation in the framework of WRI Cities4Forest Programme, WRI developed and is implementing the project entitled “NBS for climate and water resilience in urban and peri-urban areas for people, climate, and nature” with aim to enhance community and ecosystem resilience for 2.3 million residents in the cities of Bukavu and Uvira in Ruzizi Basin by designing and implementing locally appropriate NBS, increasing access to sustainable livelihoods, and improving energy and water security.


Specific targets of this project are the following: i) Over 10 kilometers of water-related NBS interventions improve water quality and quantity in wetlands, riverbanks, and gullies; ii) 20 hectares of priority degraded urban green spaces rehabilitated; iii) 10 kilometers of planted trees along key transportation roads/urban avenues and streets increase flood and landslide protection while increase the capacity of carbon sequestration and storage and urban amenity; iv) 10% reduction in sedimentation and solid wastes deposit in Ruzizi I and Ruzizi II hydropower dams, greatly increasing electricity supply; v) 1,000 jobs created for women and youth through NBS implementation and solid waste management activities.



For this project, restoration efforts focus on the urban and peri-urban areas in and around the cities of Bukavu and Uvira in the South-Province of DRC. These cities are among Ruzizi Basin’s largest cities, as well as among the fastest growing cities in the region due to the migration of people fleeing from armed groups operating in surrounding rural areas.


Small-scale project interventions will focus on integrated approach involving re-greening efforts and the establishment of riparian buffer zones around the hydropower dams and upstream on the Ruzizi River, halting the rate of ecosystem loss, and management of solid wastes from urban areas to protect water bodies including hydropower dams and rivers. A multi-partner approach to address landscape degradation and water-based risks in these cities will be implemented. Leveraging WRI success in designing and implementing NBS and deep experience in engaging stakeholders (NGOs, Women and Youth Associations, local NGOs, academia and research institutions, and private actors), we will support the interventions that will deliver improved resilience outcomes for the residents of Bukavu and Uvira.


Specifically, key activities of the project include: i) Conducting baseline studies to create the basis for monitoring improvements in tree cover, and flood and sedimentation risk reduction, solid wastes management, gender, equity an social inclusion for the implementation of the project) offering the Caterpillar Foundation and WRI an opportunity to track the progress and the impact of the project overtime; ii) Establishment of efficient and effective stakeholder consultations sessions that both address local power dynamics and increase local buy-in and ownership of the urban and peri-urban interventions; iii) Facilitating experience and knowledge sharing trips between the stakeholders of Bukavu and Uvira, as well as other cities where urban water resilience and greening cities are being developed to help spur cross-collaboration learnings and scale up adoption.


In the light of the above, WRI is seeking the Consultant/Service provider to restore the forest ecosystems within Ruzizi I hydropower micro-catchment and consolidation of the banks of Ruzizi River and gullies to control sedimentation, landslide, and floods within and around Bukavu city.

  1. Expected deliverables

2.1. Overall objective of the activity

The overall objective of this activity is to contribute to the resilience of the populations of Bukavu to disasters linked to climate change (landslides, floods, and other disasters linked to anthropic activities) by improving the production of water and hydroelectric energy through the restoration of forest ecosystems around Ruzizi I hydropower dam and consolidation of the banks of rivers and gullies within Bukavu city.

2.2. Specific objectives

The specific objectives of this activity are the following:

  • Restore the vegetation cover and establish erosion control system in the degraded areas in the micro-catchment of Ruzizi I hydropower dam (DRC side), with a combination of planting species of high economic interest (e.g. fruit trees) and establishment of erosion control vegetation hedges (e.g. Pennisetum spp, Trypsacum spp, etc.). The site to be restored were identified through assessment of restoration opportunities conducted by WRI and the results were validated by local stakeholders. Species to be planted were also identified through participatory approach by local experts.
  • Stabilization of the banks of rivers (including Ruzizi River) and gullies within Bukavu City to control landslides, flooding, and sedimentation by establishment of soil-fixing plant species;
  • Raise awareness among populations living around the Ruzizi River and gullies on good practices in favor of environmental protection including soil erosion and landslides control, and restoration of degraded spaces within Bukavu city using nature-based solutions (NbS). This should be done through public meetings organized with support from Bukavu City Council.


The Consultant will work in close collaboration with appointed representatives of WRI. All deliverables will be produced in English or French.

2.3. Expected outcomes

After 3 months after the signature of the contract with WRI, we expect the following results:

  • At least the land equivalent to 20 hectares within Ruzizi I hydropower dam micro-catchment is planted using soil-fixing trees and herbs speciesselected with active participation of local communities.
  • The land equivalent to 10 hectares along rivers and gullies within Bukavu City are stabilized and protected against landslides.
  • At least 60% of community members (population and military families) living around the Ruzizi I and Ruzizi II hydropower dams, rivers, and gullies within Bukavu city are aware about the importance of environmental protection and cooperate for the protection of the established trees and other vegetation materials.
  1. Reporting, supervision, and collaboration

The Consultant will work in close collaboration with appointed representative of WRI. All deliverables will be produced in French or English. The Consultant should produce the monthly progress reports (technical and financial) to WRI. Monthly check-ins should be also organised.

  1. Duration

The contract should have a duration of maximum 3 months from the awarding notification date.

  1. Required profile of consultant

Applicants are free to propose a team composition, number of person-days, and justification. The applicant should reflect an appropriate mix of disciplines, education, skills and demonstrable adequate expertise and experience in the following areas: natural resources management, landscape restoration, land-use planning, gender and social inclusion in project management, urban planning, socioeconomics and livelihoods, stakeholder engagement, climate change, and programme design, management, and evaluation.



Applicants must describe in their technical proposals the investment per specific objective of each expert for the full period of the consultancy.Given the fact that the selected applicant should closely work with local communities, the team must be fluent in both Swahili and French, with at least one team Member fluent in Swahili, French and English.


Applicants’ financial proposal should be done in accordance with the provided template (refer to Annex 1).

  1. Applicants Evaluation

Proposals received from Applicants will be evaluated based on its responsiveness to the Term of Reference (TOR) and against the following criteria:




# Criteria Max. Score
1 Technical Proposal  
Demonstrated understanding of the assignment with clear approach to the implement the activities and timely meet the objectives of the assignments defined in the Terms of Reference 30
Demonstrated evidence of having previously conducted similar/related assignments in DRC. 15
Is the proposed team composed of thematic experts with pertinent qualifications and demonstrated experience in the required fields 15
Workplan- schedule of activities 10
2 Financial Proposal:  
Clea budget/cost structure (personnel, material, travel and other costs) 20
Clear outlined allocation of budget to various actions. 10
  TOTAL 100
  1. Information to be provided by applicants.

The applicants should provide the following information:


Technical Proposal that indicates understanding of the assignment, evidence of having undertaken similar assignments, clear methodologies for each component outlined in the ToR, proposed workplan, composition of the team to implement the activities, and details and CVs of proposed team members.


Financial Proposal- The financial proposal shall specify the total cost of the work in US dollar including cost of site preparation, cost of seedlings and other relevant vegetation materials, their establishment and maintenance (weeding, refilling, etc.), technical support and all associated costs i.e. airfares, travel cost, meal, accommodation, tax, etc. Please note that the cost of preparing a proposal and of negotiating the contract, including any related travel, is not reimbursable as a direct cost of the assignment

  1. Currency of proposed rates and prices

All rates and prices submitted by Proposers shall be in US dollar.

  1. Submission of application

Applications must be submitted to Isère Ormille Mafodjui, Senior Finance & Operations Manager ([email protected]), World Resources Institute (WRI), with a copy to Elie Hakizumwami ([email protected]), WRI-DRC Country Manager, and Marc Manyifika ([email protected]) by July 10th, 2024, at 05:00 PM Kinshasa time.










Solicitation Title          
Vendor/Contractor Name          
Instructions: Please provide a detailed break out of your anticipated budget, detailing the unit type, number, and total cost of each budget line. Additional lines for detailed break outs can be added as necessary.
  An estimate of the resources required to carry out the activities is to be provided by the vendors. However, once the budget has been validated by WRI, compensation will be paid in the form of fixed payments based WRI’s receipt and acceptance of the deliverables – not on the number of days/hours actually worked or expenses incurred. All expenses (equipment, vehicles, materials, supplies, consumables, means of communication, insurance, travel expenses, etc.) necessary for the performance of the service, including travel, mission expenses, etc., are the sole responsibility of the vendor and must be quantified in the budget.




This job has expired.