The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to supporting and promoting strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. To learn more please visit about GGGI web page.
The engagement of the GGGI in Ethiopia started in 2010 by supporting the Government of Ethiopia in developing its CRGE Strategy and advising on the implementation and integration of its concepts and objectives into the Country’s Development Plans. GGGI has supported the implementation of the CRGE Strategy through deployment of Senior Advisors funded by GGGI at key CRGE sector ministries (MoF, MoP, MoA, EDRI, MoWE). GGGI has significantly contributed to the establishment and operationalization of the CRGE Facility and the successful mobilization of climate finance from GCF and AF. GGGI closely works with Ethiopian Institutions in the development of the Updated NDC, LT-LEDS, National Adaptation Programme (NAP), National MRV Framework, and development of sector specific Climate Resilient Strategy documentaries. Furthermore, it has led the technical team, which oversaw the CRGE Implementation progress review work for the period 2011-2019[1].
The ongoing GGGI Ethiopia Country Planning Framework (2023-2027) is well aligned to the GoE climate change strategies and has strong relevance to the FCDO’s priorities. Some of the key targets of the Government of Ethiopia (GoE’s) planning framework include:
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is a critical global initiative established to support developing countries in their efforts to respond to the challenges posed by climate change. The GCF provides financial resources to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change, promoting sustainable development and resilience. The fund provides financial support through various mechanisms, including grants, concessional loans, guarantees, and equity investments, to projects that mitigate or adapt to climate change. Ministry of Finance of Ethiopia has been actively engaged with the GCF to access these vital resources. A recent decision by the GCF to upgrade the accreditation status of the Ministry of Finance marks a significant milestone in Ethiopia’s climate finance journey. To access GCF funding, entities must go through an accreditation process that assesses their ability to manage GCF resources responsibly and effectively. The accreditation process evaluates the applicant’s fiduciary standards, environmental and social safeguards, and gender policies. Entities can be accredited for different fiduciary functions (such as project management and grant award) and sizes of projects (micro, small, medium, and large).
The Ministry of Finance of Ethiopia was accredited in 2017 as a national Direct Access Entity (DAE) for small size project of up to USD 50 million or activities within a program, which constrained its ability to access larger-scale funding for comprehensive climate initiatives. Recognizing the growing need for substantial climate finance to support Ethiopia’s ambitious climate goals, the Ministry of Finance applied for an upgrade in its GCF accreditation. This upgrade aimed to enhance the Ministry’s capacity to manage larger and more complex projects, thereby facilitating increased financial flows from the GCF to Ethiopia. After a rigorous review process, the GCF Board approved the Ministry of Finance’s application for accreditation upgrade. This decision is a testament to the Ministry’s demonstrated ability to meet the high fiduciary, environmental, social, and gender standards required by the GCF. The upgraded accreditation status allows the Ministry of Finance to access larger funding envelopes of up to USD 250 million per project or activities within a program. After securing an upgraded accreditation from the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Ministry of Finance of Ethiopia must undertake several key tasks to ensure effective management and implementation of GCF-funded projects. The post accreditation tasks span fiduciary responsibilities, program management, gender considerations, and environmental and social safeguards. To ensure effective management and implementation of these projects, the Ministry seeks to hire an individual consultant to support post-accreditation tasks related to fiduciary responsibilities and program management. In relation to this GGGI through the FCDO supported “Enhancing Climate Finance Access for Ethiopia” project would like to hire an individual consultant who will provide support to and closely collaborate with the CRGE Facility of the Ministry of Finance to enhance the fiduciary capabilities of BOFEDs and Executing Entities to manage GCF funding responsibly and effectively.
The primary objective of this consultancy is to provide expert support to the Ministry of Finance in enhancing its fiduciary management systems and program management capacities to meet GCF standards and requirements.
(1) Scope of the assignment
The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:
(2) Fiduciary Responsibilities:
1. Financial Management and Accountability:
2. Procurement:
3. Risk Management:
(3) Capacity Building
The consultant is expected to deliver the following:
[1] This work was commissioned by the World Bank and conducted by Pegasys Global Consulting
[Duration of the Assignment]
The assignment shall be conducted for 130 days starting from the date of contract award until April 30/ 2025. Unless and otherwise agreed by the two parties, extension of contract is not expected. Extension might be allowed if the consultant presents compelling reasons to do so.
Deliverable/Output | Duration (Man Day) |
Inception report including methodology | 10 |
Capacity need assessment report | 35 |
Tailored Training module | 30 |
Fiduciary and compliance guideline | 30 |
TOT | 15 |
Report | 10 |
The contract will report the Climate Finance Lead in GGGI Ethiopia Office and directly work with the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) facility team members in the Ministry of Finance.
[Payment Milestones]
The consultant shall be paid the lump sum contract amount upon certification of the completed tasks satisfactorily, as per the following payment schedule:
Installment of Payment/ Period | Deliverables or Documents to be Delivered | Percentage of Payment |
1st Installment | Inception report | 15% |
2nd Installment | Capacity assessment report | 35% |
3rd Installment | Training module and fiduciary compliance guideline | 35% |
4th Installment | Terminal Report | 15% |
The Individual consultant is expected to meet the following minimum requirements:
The GGGI shall provide transportation and pay DSA for the consultant during authorized travels to the regional states for data gathering.
2. Confidentiality and Proprietary Interests
The consultant shall not either during the term or after termination of the assignment, disclose any proprietary or confidential information related to the consultancy or the Government without prior written consent. Proprietary interests on all materials and documents prepared by the consultants under the assignment shall become and remain properties of the MOF. This assignment will be administrated by GGGI, and all relevant GGGI rules, policies and procedures will apply.
3. Evaluation Criteria
Upon the advertisement of the Procurement Notice, qualified Individual consultant is expected to submit both the Technical and Financial Proposals. Accordingly, the consultant will be evaluated based on Cumulative Analysis as per the following conditions: